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Part 2 Why Marriage Fails so Often. What is failure in marriage ?  Divorce  Does not have to end in divorce to be a failure.  If it does not prepare.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2 Why Marriage Fails so Often. What is failure in marriage ?  Divorce  Does not have to end in divorce to be a failure.  If it does not prepare."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2 Why Marriage Fails so Often

2 What is failure in marriage ?  Divorce  Does not have to end in divorce to be a failure.  If it does not prepare us for heaven !

3 “Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.” Heb. 13:4 God designed Us for marriage God gave laws For marriage Why Marriage Fails so Often

4 1. The persons involved fail Inadequate persons are not guided by the BIBLE. Both must be adequate partners It takes TWO adequate partners to have a successful marriage.

5 2. Fail to understand the commitment Marriage ceremony Till death Sickness and in health Prosperity & Adversity

6 3. Because of Immaturity Dependence Independence Inter-dependence =Childhood =Adolescence =Maturity Selfishness

7 4. Unfair or Harsh Criticism One or both fall into the habit of criticizing Ends in self-righteousness Not the way of Christ Concentrate on the good

8 5. Too Sensitive Sensitive in wrong or right way No one is perfect – Phil.3:12-13 Criticism can help us do better Refuse to criticize when you are criticized

9 6. Torn asunder by inner Conflicts House divided against itself Civil war within – conflicts Makes for inadequate partners Beatitudes in Matthew 5

10 7. Lack of trust in one another Jealousy = destructive Must be worthy of trust Song of Solomon 8:6 “jealousy is cruel as the grave” 1 Cor.13:7 “believeth all things”

11 8. Failure in physical intimacy Sex is the added language given by God to married couples Unmarried attempt to speak this language – ends in sorrow Heb. 13:4 “honorable”

12 9. Failure in kindness, courtesy and thoughtfulness 1 Cor. 13 = Love Col. 3:19 “Be not bitter” When you love your companion you will not be unkind because “LOVE IS KIND”

13 10. Do not learn how to Resolve conflict Will be differences Rom. 12:10 Sometimes wife wants to boss Eph. 5:25 “husband is head”

14 11. Financial Problems  Not as much money  Overspend their income  Tempers flare  A battle results

15 12. The husband and wife are Not united in Christ Need each other spiritually Discuss before marriage 1 Pet. 3:1-2 “may be won”

16 Let love come into your lives and let it grow and grow. Love is the foundation of marriage. Love One Another.


18 Part 2 Why Marriage Fails so Often

19 Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 Sunday Evening Feb. 8, 2009


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