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Computer Babble Talk Dung X. Nguyen Rice University.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Babble Talk Dung X. Nguyen Rice University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Babble Talk Dung X. Nguyen Rice University

2 What is a Computer? Google for “How to build a PC” So many electronic components How do they work together? How to master this complicated “mess”? Abstraction !

3 Abstraction Disregard non-essential details Identify and focus on key components Understand how they work together

4 Von Neumann Architecture Google for it nn_architecture nn_architecture Memory Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Control Unit (CU) Input/Output devices (IO)

5 Memory Stores Instructions and Data expressed in terms of 0’s and 1’s 0 and 1 are called bits (binary digit) Size measured in groups of 8 bits called byte; e.g. 2 MB (mega bytes) Roughly speaking a byte is what it takes to store one keystroke Speed measured in terms of number of bits per second called Hz; e.g. 100 MHz.

6 Memory Hierarchy The faster the memory, the more expensive From fast to slow –Register –Cache –RAM (Random Access Memory)

7 ALU Performs Arithmetic and Logical Computation Everything is expressed in terms of 0’s and 1’s

8 Control Unit Performs 5 stages of Fetch-Execute Cycle –Fetch instruction from memory to instruction register (IR) –Decode instruction (read registers if needed) –Execute ALU operation –Access (read/write) memory (if needed) –Write to registers (if needed)

9 Example lin/NewApplets/Sam2/Sam2.htm lin/NewApplets/Sam2/Sam2.htm

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