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Medical Veterinary Terminology Define commonly used prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Veterinary Terminology Define commonly used prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Veterinary Terminology Define commonly used prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes presented.

2 Contrasting Prefixes Ab – away from Abduction To take away from the midline Ad - toward Adduction Move toward the midline

3 Contrasting Prefixes Dys-diffcicult, painful Dysphagia Difficulty eating or swallowing Eu-good, easy, normal Euthyroid Having a normally functioning thyroid

4 Contrasting Prefixes Endo-within or inside Endocrine System that secretes internally Ex/Exo-without, out of, outside Exocrine System that secretes externally

5 Contrasting Prefixes Endo-within or inside Endoparasite An organism that lives within the body of the host Ecto-outside Ectoparasite An organism that lives on the outer surface of a host

6 Contrasting Prefixes Hyper-elevated, higher Hyperglycemia Elevated amounts of blood glucose Hypo-depressed, lower Hypoglycemia Depressed amounts of blood glucose

7 Contrasting Prefixes Inter- between Intercostal Between the ribs Intra- within Intramuscular Within the muscles

8 Contrasting Prefixes Poly-many or excessive Polyuria Excessive or frequent urination Oligo-scant or very little Oliguria Scant or infrequent urination

9 Contrasting Prefixes Pre - before Preanesthetic Pertaining to before anesthesia Post- after Postanesthetic Pertaining to after anesthesia

10 Contrasting Prefixes Sub-below, under, less Sublingual Under the tongue Super/Supra- above, beyond, excessive Supernumeracy More than the regular number Suprascapular Above the shoulder blade

11 Directional Prefixes Epi o Upper Extra o Outside Hyper o Above, increased, more than normal Hypo o Below, under, decreased

12 Directional Prefixes Infra o Below or beneath Inter o Between Intra o Within Meta o Beyond

13 Directional Prefixes Per o Throughout Sub o Below, under, decreased Super o Above, increased, more than normal Supra o Above, increased, more than normal Trans o Across Ultra o Above, increased, more than normal

14 Surgical Suffixes -ectomy o A surgical removal of something Mastectomy: surgical removal of the breast or mammary glands -pexy o Suture to stabilize Gastropexy: Surgically stabilizing the stomach to the abdominal wall -plasty o Surgical repair Rhinoplasty: Surgical repair of the nose

15 Surgical Suffixes -stomy o Surgically created opening Colostomy: Surgically created opening between the colon and the body surface -tomy o Cutting into Laparotomy: Incision into the abdomen

16 Procedural Suffixes -centesis o Surgical puncture to remove fluid(usually for diagnosis) Cystocentesis: Surgical puncture of the urinary bladder to remove fluid/urine -gram o Record of something Electrocardiogram: the hard copy record of the heart’s electrical activity -graph o Instrument that records Electrocardiograph: machine that records the electrical activity of the heart -graphy o Procedure that records A procedure used to record the electrical activity of the heart

17 Procedural Suffixes -lysis o Separation or breakdown Urinalysis: separation of urine into its constituents -scope o Instrument used to visually examine Endoscope: instrument used to visually examine the body -scopy o Procedure to visually examine Endoscopy: procedure to internally examine the body -therapy o Treatment Chemotherapy: treatment using chemical/drug substances

18 Double R Suffixes -rrhaia/-rrhage o Bursting forth Hemorrhage: bursting forth with blood from the vessels -rrhaphy o To suture Enterorrhaphy: suturing of the intestines -rrhea o Flow, discharge Diarrhea: complete discharge of the bowels -rrhexis o Rupture Myorrexhis: rupture of the muscle

19 Conditional and Structural Suffixes -algia/-dynia o Pain Arthralgia or Arthrodynia: Joint Pain -itis o Inflammation Hepatitis: inflammation of the liver -malacia o Abnormal softening Osteomalacia: abnormal softening of the bones -megaly o Enlargement Cardiomegaly: enlargement of the heart

20 Conditional and Structural Suffixes -osis o Abnormal condition Cardiosis: an abnormal condition of the heart -pathy o Disease Enteropathy: a disease of the small intestine -sclerosis o Abnormal hardening Arteriosclerosis: abnormal hardening of the arteries -um o Structure Pericardium: the structure surrounding the heart

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