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Good m mm morning, class 素淩老師 鳳岡國小 How are you this morning?

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Presentation on theme: "Good m mm morning, class 素淩老師 鳳岡國小 How are you this morning?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Good m mm morning, class 素淩老師 鳳岡國小 How are you this morning?

3 Morning Message What month is it? It is November. What day is today? Today is Friday. How is the weather? It is sunny. How do you feel? I feel happy. November SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdaySaturday 123456 78910111213 14151617181920 21222324252627 282930 Friday Date : Fri.,12th November,2004 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

4 Weather Yushan 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

5 sunny 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

6 cloudy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

7 rainy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

8 windy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

9 snowy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

10 windy sunny cloudy rainy snowy Matching Game A B C D E 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

11 It is ….. Yushan sunny cloudy rainysnowy windy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

12 How is the weather in…..? It is…………in…………. Taipei Hsinchu Taichung Kaohsiung Yushan rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

13 Quiz Time (1) How is the weather in Taipei? It is rainy in Taipei. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

14 Quiz Time (2) How is the weather in Hsinchu? It is windy in Hsinchu. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

15 Quiz Time (3) How is the weather in Taichung? It is cloudy in Taichung. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

16 Quiz Time (4) How is the weather in Kaohsiung? It is sunny in Kaohsiung. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

17 Quiz Time (5) How is the weather in Yushan? It is snowy in Yushan. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

18 Worksheet(T) Taipei Hsinchu Taichung Kaohsiung Yushan rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy Class : Name : Number How is the weather in_______? It is _______in _______. Taipei rainy Taipei How is the weather in ________? It is ________ in ____________. How is the weather in _______? It is _________in ___________. How is the weather in _______? It is ________in ____________. How is the weather in ______? It is _________in __________. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

19 Worksheet Taipei Hsinchu Taichung Kaohsiung Yushan rainy windy cloudy sunny snowy Class : Name : Number : How is the weather in_______? It is _______in _______. Taipei rainyTaipei How is the weather in ________? It is ________ in ____________. How is the weather in _______? It is _________in ___________. How is the weather in ______ ? It is ________in ___________. How is the weather in ______? It is _________in __________. 素淩老師 鳳岡國小

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