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Sahel- a dry savanna region along the southern border of the Sahara suffering the effects of desertification Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Burkina.

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Presentation on theme: "Sahel- a dry savanna region along the southern border of the Sahara suffering the effects of desertification Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Burkina."— Presentation transcript:


2 Sahel- a dry savanna region along the southern border of the Sahara suffering the effects of desertification Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, and Burkina Faso Coastal- wetter region along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Guinea Senegal, Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria

3 Brief History  West Africa was a focal point of 3 trading empires prior to European colonization. (Ghana, Mali, Songhai)  The region was the location of trade routes for gold and salt (the most valuable commodity).  West Africa was not “discovered” by Europeans until the 1400s.  The slave trade began in the mid 1400s and lasted until the mid 1800s.  Country boundaries were not drawn until the 1800s with no regard to tribal boundaries. Many groups had/have more loyalty to their own group than the government.

4 Coastal Countries are “better off” than the Sahel countries: wetter, access to the sea, & more resources However… Governments  hard to be on their own after European control  weak economies & gov’ts allow for armies to easily take over a nation  also heavily in debt: more imports than exports and borrowing from other nations

5 The following products come from West Africa: cacao beans- 56%(chocolate), Rubber, gold, oil, cloth, hardwoods, coffee, palm oil, peanuts, cashews, cotton

6 Way of Life Women in charge of farming, running the market Family life very important, elders teach children through stories & elders are given high honor even in death. Voodoo is incorporated into established religions Brer Rabbit originated in West Africa

7 Largest cathedral in the world! It has 7000 individually air conditioned seats and only 12% of the population is Christian. Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast Our Lady of Peace Basilica

8 Ghana- “Fantasy” coffins are built to represent the person’s life.

9 Not something you see everyday…Giraffe Crossing

10 Benin- AKA the “slave coast” in the 19th century Burkina Faso- “land of the honest people”; half the population is under 15 Chad- less than 1% of the people own a car; 4/5 the size of Alaska Gambia- peanuts are the main cash crop; except for the coastline Senegal surrounds it. Ghana- AKA the “Gold Coast” by the Portuguese

11 Camel Caravan in Mauritania

12 Guinea-1/3 of the world’s bauxite reserves Guinea-Bissau- considered bad manners to stretch in public; polygamy is common- a measure of a man’s wealth Ivory Coast- named Ivory Coast by French sailors in the late 1400s for vast amount of ivory found there Liberia-capital (Monrovia) named after Pres. James Monroe; Latin for “free land” Mali- only 10% of roads are paved; size of Texas & California Timbuktu, Mali

13 Niger River

14 Mauritania- literacy rate of 20%; portable classrooms Niger- no railroads; leading uranium producer and exporter Nigeria- parents wink when they want their children to leave the room Senegal- considered bad luck to ask specific questions about another person’s children Sierre Leone- practice “fostering,” a custom where a child is loaned to a childless woman and the child is raised as one who will care for her in her old age Togo- only 20% of students attend high school Baobab trees- some get so large that the trunks can be hollowed out and made into a small shelter

15 The End

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