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Visualizing the Evolutions of Silhouettes Junfei Dai Junho Kim Huayi Zeng Xianfeng Gu.

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Presentation on theme: "Visualizing the Evolutions of Silhouettes Junfei Dai Junho Kim Huayi Zeng Xianfeng Gu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visualizing the Evolutions of Silhouettes Junfei Dai Junho Kim Huayi Zeng Xianfeng Gu

2 Outline Introduction Local Properties of Silhouettes Global Properties of Silhouettes Experimental Results

3 Introduction Silhouettes refer to the locus of points on the surface where the view rays tangentially touch the surface. Projected silhouettes refer to the projection images of silhouettes.

4 Introduction Computer Vision   Projected msilhouettes convey rich geometric information about the original surface Non-Photorealistic Rendering   silhouettes carry the most important shape information

5 Introduction Contributions Visualization of all possible topological changes of a silhouette. Development of a theorem of the relation of geodesic curvature of a silhouette and the view cone angle. Introduction of the concept of the aspect surface, all topological changes happen when the view is on the aspect surface.

6 Local Properties of Silhouettes The local properties of silhouettes have been thoroughly studied in computer vision, singularity theory and catastrophe theory.

7 Local Properties of Silhouettes On a smooth surface with at least C2 continuity, k1,k2 are principal curvatures. All points are classified, 1. elliptic, 0 < k1 · k2, 2. hyperbolic, k1 < 0 < k2, 3. parabolic, k1k2 = 0. A special class of parabolic points are called flat, if both k1 and k2 are zeros

8 Local Properties of Silhouettes An asymptotic direction for a parabolic point is the principal direction with zero principal curvature. Asymptotic directions play important roles in analyzing the local behavior of silhouettes.

9 Local Properties of Silhouettes The topological changes happen when the view is along the asymptotic directions of some parabolic points.

10 Global Properties of Silhouettes Lemma 1 Suppose r(u,v) is a generic smooth surface, with local parameters (u,v). The view point is v, r(s) is a silhouette. Then the tangent direction r ’ is conjugate to the view ray direction r-v. (Two tangent vectors dr1,dr2 are conjugate, if =0, where W is Weigarten deformation.)

11 Global Properties of Silhouettes Lemma 2 Suppose r is a silhouette on a generic smooth surface S with a view point v, which is not on the surface. A point p on silhouette is in one of the three cases: – p is elliptic, K(p) > 0; – p is hyperbolic, K(p) < 0; – p is parabolic, but the view direction p-v is not along the asymptotic direction of p. then in a neighborhood of p, the silhouette r is a one dimensionalmanifold.

12 Global Properties of Silhouettes Lemma 3 Suppose S is a generic smooth surface, view point v crosses the surface along the normal direction through p from outside to inside, then – if p is elliptic, then a closed silhouette will shrink to the point p and disappear. – if p is hyperbolic, two silhouettes will intersect and reconnect, the silhouettes are along the asymptotic directions of p.

13 Global Properties of Silhouettes Elliptic Hyperbolic

14 Global Properties of Silhouettes Aspect Surface   Suppose S is a generic smooth surface, is a parabolic curve, at each point e(s) is the asymptotic direction of.The following surface is called the aspect surface of.   The union of the aspect surfaces of all parabolic curves and the surface S itself is called the aspect surface of S, and denoted as W(S ).

15 Global Properties of Silhouettes Theorem 1 Suppose S is a generic smooth surface. The topological changes of the silhouettes only happens when the view point v is on the aspect surface of S.

16 Global Properties of Silhouettes Definition Suppose S is a generic smooth surface. A view v is at a generic position, if it is not on the aspect surface. Otherwise, it is at a critical position.

17 Global Properties of Silhouettes Definition Suppose the view v is in a generic position for a generic smooth surface. The distance between n and S is finite. A connected component of the silhouette is. The view cone surface is defined

18 Global Properties of Silhouettes view cone surface

19 Global Properties of Silhouettes Theorem 2 SupposeS is a generic smooth surface. The view point is not on the surface S. A closed silhouette is smooth (without cusps on S ), where s is the arc length; the cone angle at the view point is, then

20 Experimental Results a b a b

21 Experimental Results c d c d

22 Experimental Results e f e f

23 Experimental Results g h g h

24 Thanks! Thanks!

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