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From the KP hierarchy to the Painlevé equations

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1 From the KP hierarchy to the Painlevé equations
Painlevé Equations and Monodromy Problems: Recent Developments From the KP hierarchy to the Painlevé equations Saburo KAKEI (Rikkyo University) Joint work with Tetsuya KIKUCHI (University of Tokyo) 22 September 2006

2 Known Facts Fact 1 Painlevé equations can be obtained as similarity reduction of soliton equations. Fact 2 Many (pahaps all) soliton equations can be obtained as reduced cases of Sato’s KP hierarchy.

3 Similarity reduction of soliton equations
E.g. Modified KdV equation Painlevé II mKdV hierarchy Modified KP hierarchy mKdV eqn. Painlevé II: Similarity

4 Noumi-Yamada (1998) Lie algebra Soliton eqs. → Painlevé eqs. mKdV
Panlevé II mBoussinesq Panlevé IV 3-reduced KP Panlevé V ・・・ n-reduced KP Higher-order eqs.

5 Aim of this research Consider the “multi-component” cases. Multi-component KP hierarchy = KP hierarchy with matrix-coefficients

6 Higher-order eqs. [Noumi-Yamada]
From mKP hierarchy to Painlevé eqs. mKP reduction Soliton eqs. Painlevé eqs. 1-component 2-reduced mKdV P II 3-reduced mBoussinesq P IV 4-reduced 4-reduced KP P V n-reduced n-reduced KP Higher-order eqs. [Noumi-Yamada] 2-component (1,1) NLS P IV [Jimbo-Miwa] (2,1) Yajima-Oikawa P V [Kikuchi-Ikeda-K] 3-component (1,1,1) 3-wave system P VI [K-Kikuchi]

7 Relation to affine Lie algebras
realization mKP soliton Painlevé Principal 1-component, 2-reduced mKdV P II Homogeneous 2-component, (1,1)-reduced NLS P IV 1-component, 3-reduced mBoussinesq (2,1)-graded 2-component, (2,1)-reduced Yajima-Oikawa P V 3-component, (1,1,1)-reduced 3-wave P VI

8 Rational solutions of Painlevé IV
Schur polynomials Rational sol’s of P IV 1-component KP mBoussinesq P IV “3-core” Okamoto polynomials [Kajiwara-Ohta], [Noumi-Yamada] 2-component KP derivative NLS P IV “rectangular” Hermite polynomials [Kajiwara-Ohta], [K-Kikuchi]

9 Aim of this research Consider the multi-component cases.
Consider the meaning of similarity conditions at the level of the (modified) KP hierarchy.

10 Multi-component mKP hierarchy
Shift operator Sato-Wilson operators Sato equations

11 1-component mKP hierarchy mKdV
2-reduction (modified KdV eq.)

12 Scaling symmetry of mKP hierarchy
Proposition 1 Define as  where satisfies Then also solve the Sato equations.

13 1-component mKP mKdV P II
2-reduction (mKP mKdV) Similarity condition (mKdV P II)

14 2-component mKP NLS P IV (1,1)-reduction (2c-mKP NLS)
Similarity condition (NLS P IV)

15 Parameters in similarity conditions Parameters in Painlevé equations
mKdV case (P II) NLS case (P IV)

16 Monodromy problem Similarity condition (NLS P IV)

17 Aim of this research Consider the multi-component cases.
Consider the meaning of similarity conditions at the level of the (modified) KP hierarchy. Consider the 3-component case to obtain the generic Painlevé VI.

18 Painlevé VI as similarity reduction
Three-wave interaction equations  [Fokas-Yortsos], [Gromak-Tsegelnik], [Kitaev], [Duburovin-Mazzoco], [Conte-Grundland-Musette], [K-Kikuchi] Self-dual Yang-Mills equation  [Mason-Woodhouse], [Y. Murata], [Kawamuko-Nitta] Schwarzian KdV Hierarchy  [Nijhoff-Ramani-Grammaticos-Ohta], [Nijhoff-Hone-Joshi] UC hierarchy [Tstuda], [Tsuda-Masuda] D4(1)-type Drinfeld-Sokolov hierarchy [Fuji-Suzuki] Nonstandard soliton system [M. Murata]

19 Painlevé VI as similarity reduction
Direct approach based on three-wave system [Fokas-Yortsos (1986)] wave PVI with 1-parameter [Gromak-Tsegelnik (1989)] 3-wave PVI with 1-parameter [Kitaev (1990)] wave PVI with 2-parameters [Conte-Grundland-Musette (2006)] 3-wave PVI with 4-parameters (arXiv:nlin.SI/ )

20 Our approach (arXiv:nlin.SI/0508021)
3-component KP hierarchy (1,1,1)-reduction gl3-hierarhcy Similarity reduction 3×3 monodromy problem Laplace transformation 2×2 monodromy problem

21 3-component KP 3-wave system

22 3-component KP 3-wave system
(1,1,1)-condition: 3-wave system

23 3-component KP 3 3 system (1,1,1)-reduction Similarity condition
cf. [Fokas-Yortsos]

24 3-component KP system Similarity condition

25 3-component KP system

26 3 3 2 2 [Harnad, Dubrovin-Mazzocco, Boalch]
[Harnad, Dubrovin-Mazzocco, Boalch] Laplace transformation with the condition :

27 Our approach (arXiv:nlin.SI/0508021)
3-component KP hierarchy (1,1,1)-reduction gl3-hierarhcy Similarity reduction 3×3 monodromy problem Laplace transformation 2×2 monodromy problem P VI

28 q-analogue (arXiv:nlin.SI/0605052)
3-component q-mKP hierarchy (1,1,1)-reduction q-gl3-hierarhcy q-Similarity reduction 3×3 connection problem q-Laplace transformation 2×2 connection problem q-P VI

29 References SK, T. Kikuchi, The sixth Painleve equation as similarity reduction of gl3 hierarchy, arXiv: nlin.SI/ SK, T. Kikuchi, A q-analogue of gl3 hierarchy and q-Painleve VI, arXiv:nlin.SI/ SK, T. Kikuchi, Affine Lie group approach to a derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its similarity reduction, Int. Math. Res. Not. 78 (2004), SK, T. Kikuchi, Solutions of a derivative nonlinear Schrödinger hierarchy and its similarity reduction, Glasgow Math. J. 47A (2005) T. Kikuchi, T. Ikeda, SK, Similarity reduction of the modified Yajima-Oikawa equation, J. Phys. A36 (2003)

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