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Families of Elements Predict properties.

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1 Families of Elements Predict properties

2 Alkali Metals – Group 1 Extremely reactive (not found free in nature)
Form stable ionic compounds React with… water to form a base air to form oxides acids to form salts Usually reduce to their free state by electrolysis of their fused compounds

3 Alkaline Earth Metals – Group 2
Reactive (not found free in nature) Form stable ionic compounds React with… water to form a base air to form oxides acids to form salts Usually reduce to their free state by electrolysis of their fused compounds

4 Nitrogen Family – Group 15
Members range from typical nonmetals: N,P through metalloids: As, Sb to metals: Bi Facts about NITROGEN Relatively inactive at room temperature Forms stable diatomic molecules with triple bond Component of proteins Forms unstable compounds used in explosives Facts about PHOSPHOROUS Component of nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) More reactive than nitrogen at room temperature Forms tetratomic molecules (P4); not diatomic

5 Oxygen Family – Group 16 Members range from
typical nonmetals: O,S through metalloids: Se, Te to metals: Po All solids except for OXYGEN

6 Halogens (salt formers) – Group 17
Very reactive nonmetals Not found free in nature High electronegativity Form diatomic molecules when free React with metals to form salts Tendency to form positive oxidation state increases with atomic number Found in all three phases due to differences in Van der Waals (dispersive) forces.

7 Noble Gases – Group 18 Have a complete outer shell (octet)
Almost inert (not reactive) Krypton, xenon, and radon form compounds with oxygen and fluorine

8 Transition Elements – Groups 3-12
Have positive oxidation states Lose electrons from two outermost energy levels Ions form colored solutions

9 Block Groups – Energy Orbitals

10 s orbitals

11 p orbitals

12 d orbitals

13 Electron Affinity

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