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Chemical Formulas & Chemical Compounds Chapter 7.

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1 Chemical Formulas & Chemical Compounds Chapter 7

2 Chemical formulas Common names give no info about chemical composition. Chemists use systematic methods for naming compounds & writing formulas.

3 A chemical formula indicates the number of atoms of each kind in a chemical compound. C 8 H 18indicates there are 8 carbons18 hydrogen

4 Monatomic Ions Ions formed from a single ion Formed by gaining or losing electrons

5 Cont’d… Monatomic cations are identified by the elements name. Monatomic anions are named by changing the element’s ending to –ide. Cations Mg Magnesium Mg +2 Magnesium cation Anions O Oxygen O -2 Oxide

6 Binary compounds Compounds composed of two different elements Total number of positive & negative charges must be equal The positive & negative charges can be crossed over

7 Rules for binary compounds 1.Write the symbols for the ions side by side, using the cation first. 2.Cross over the charges. 3.Write the formula without the charges.

8 Problem Write the formula for the binary ionic compounds formed between the following elements: a)magnesium & iodine b)magnesium & sulfur c)magnesium & nitrogen

9 Nomenclature Nomenclature refers to the naming system. To name binary ionic compounds, combine names of positive & negative ions. Al 2 O 3Aluminum Oxidename of cationanion changing ending to -ide

10 Stock system With some elements (mainly the transition elements), such as iron, 2 or more cations with different charges are formed Uses a Roman numeral to indicate an ion’s charge Numeral is enclosed in parentheses & placed immediately after the metal name CuCl 2Copper (II) chloride name of cationname of + Roman anion with numeral for -ide for chargeending

11 Oxyanions Oxyanions are polyatomic ions containing oxygen. The most common oxyanions end in –ate. NO 3 - nitrate NO 2 - nitrite

12 Cont’d… Sometimes more than 2 oxyanions are formed: ClO 4 - perchlorate ClO 3 - chlorate ClO 2 - chlorite ClO - hypochlorite

13 Prefix system If only one atom of first element in formula, then no prefix on first element If more than one atom of the first element, the first name begins with prefix Second name begins with a prefix, followed by the root name, & ending in –ide P 4 O 10 tetraphosphorus decaoxide

14 Problem Give the name for As 2 O 5. Write the formula for oxygen difluoride.

15 Acids & Salts Binary acid: consists of hydrogen & halogen Oxyacid: contains hydrogen, oxygen, & a nonmetal Salt: ionic compound composed of a cation & the anion from an acid Table 7-5 on Page 214: Common acids!

16 Chemical formulas can be used to calculate the formula mass, molar mass, & percentage composition.

17 (1) Formula mass (molar mass) The sum of the average atomic masses of all the atoms represented in its formula PROBLEM Find the formula mass of potassium chlorate.

18 (2) Percentage composition The percentage by mass of each element in a compound % composition= mass of element x 100 molar mass PROBLEM Find the percentage composition of copper (II) sulfide.

19 Empirical formula By using the percentage composition, a substance’s empirical formula can be determined Shows the smallest whole number ratio of the different atoms in a compound

20 Rules 1.Change percentage composition to grams. 2.Divide grams of each element by its atomic weight. 3.Change to lowest whole number ratio by dividing each by the smallest number.

21 Problem Quantitative analysis shows that a compound contains 32.38% Na, 22.65% S, & 44.99% O. Find the empirical formula of this compound.

22 Molecular formula Any multiple of an empirical formula An empirical formula may or may not be a correct molecular formula To determine the molecular formula, you must know the compounds molar mass

23 Problem The empirical formula of a compound of phosphorus & oxygen was found to be P 2 O 5. Experimentation shows that the molar mass of this compound is 283.89 g/mol. What is the compound’s molecular formula?

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