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PRESENT PERFECT HAVE/HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE I have written a letter She hasn ’ t been to Paris Have they left?

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENT PERFECT HAVE/HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE I have written a letter She hasn ’ t been to Paris Have they left?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENT PERFECT HAVE/HAS + PAST PARTICIPLE I have written a letter She hasn ’ t been to Paris Have they left?

2 PRESENT PERFECT USES We use the Present Perfect to talk about past events that happened at an indefinite time in the past (LIFE EXPERIENCES) Have you ever met a famous person? Yes, I ’ ve met Brad Pitt. No, I ’ ve never met Brad Pitt.

3 Present perfect vs. Past simple We use the Present Perfect to talk about the experience in general. When and where are not important. I ’ ve eaten sushi. We use the Past Simple to talk about more details. I ate it last week in Japan

4 PRESENT PERFECT: Past & present The present perfect shows a connection between the PAST and the PRESENT. The plane has landed = The plane is on the ground NOW

5 GIVING NEWS We often give a piece of news in the present perfect We ’ ve bought a new car! Your parcel has arrived. The Police have arrested the two criminals.

6 JUST, ALREADY & YET JUST: “ A short time ago ” : I ’ ve just had an idea. (+) ALREADY: “ Sooner than expected ” : My brother has already crashed his new car. (+) YET: “ Something that hasn ’ t happened, but we are expecting it ” : have you finished breakfast yet? no, I haven ’ t finished yet. (-, ?) ALREADY & JUST: come before the PAST PARTICIPLE. YET: comes at the end of a question or a negative sentence.

7 FOR or SINCE? We use PP for states that began in the past and continue into the present. The states are unfinished. How long have you had your pet? I ’ vee had it FOR many years.(a period of time) I ’ ve had it SINCE my sixteenth birthday.(a specific point in time)

8 THE END M ó nica Redondo Arias

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