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A High School Mathematics Action Research Project: What is standards-based grading and how can it benefit our students? Renee Cholkar Mathematics Lead.

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Presentation on theme: "A High School Mathematics Action Research Project: What is standards-based grading and how can it benefit our students? Renee Cholkar Mathematics Lead."— Presentation transcript:

1 A High School Mathematics Action Research Project: What is standards-based grading and how can it benefit our students? Renee Cholkar Mathematics Lead Teacher Wake Leadership Academies Wake County Public School System

2 What is Action Research? Systematic inquiry conducted by teachers and other educators to find solutions for critical, challenging, relevant issues in their classrooms and schools. Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

3 What is Action Research? Main Goals Include: Positively impact student outcomes Identify and promote effective instructional practices Create opportunities for teachers to become reflective practitioners Share research results with other educators Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

4 What is Action Research? A systematic research process to: ● Identify an area of focus (critical, challenging issue) ● Develop an action research plan ● Implement action research plan in classroom/school ● Collect, analyze, and interpret data ● Share findings to inform practice Mills, Geoffrey E, Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher, 2014

5 Focus Statement: The purpose of this study is to describe the impact a standards-based mathematics curriculum has on a struggling student’s mathematical achievement. Research Questions: What are the effects of a standards-based grading system on a student’s mathematical achievement? Will the usage of a standards-based grading program increase struggling student’s problem solving skills? How will a standards-based grading program change the way in which a struggling student views the subject of mathematics? Will a standards-based grading system allow students to clearly identify their weaknesses in mathematics and their areas in need of improvement?

6 Agenda

7 What is standards-based grading?





12 Summative Assessment

13 ActiveGrades Software

14 Data Collection Methods Qualitative: student surveys/questionnaires, student informal interviews, field notes (observation) Quantitative: exit tickets, quizzes, tests, report card data (spring 2014 and fall 2014)

15 Qualitative Data Statement: I enjoy Mathematics. Survey Given: August 14, 2014 Statement: My viewpoint regarding mathematics has improved due to the usage of a SBG system. Survey Given: December 4, 2014

16 Qualitative Data Statement: I hope my teacher next semester/year uses a SBG system. Survey Given: December 4, 2014 Statement: SBG helped me to feel more confident about mathematics. Survey Given: December 4, 2014

17 Qualitative Data Statement: What do you like about the Standards-based Grading system. Survey Given: December 4, 2014

18 Qualitative Data Statement: What do dislike about the Standards-based Grading system. Survey Given: December 4, 2014

19 Quantitative Data




23 Steps to Implementation of SBG 1.Principal approval/Educate Parents 2.Create topic scales (ie: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.) 3.Create Assessments (multiple means) 4.Set up your gradebook (ActiveGrades vs. Power Teacher)

24 ActiveGrades Software Free Trial

25 References Ms. Suzanne Gibbons and Ms. Kristin Yerkie are high school mathematics educators at Wake NC State University STEM Early College High School located in Raleigh, NC. Marzano, R. J., & Heflebower, T. (2011). Grades That Show What Students Know. Educational Leadership, 69(3), 34-39. Marzano, R. J. (2010). Formative assessment & standards-based grading. Bloomington, IN: Marzano Research Laboratory. Messerman, C. (2012, August 1). Craig Messerman: Standards Based Grading and the Game of School. [Video file]. Retrieved from Cohen, D. (2013, March 27). David Cohen: Standards Based Grading [Video file]. Retrieved from

26 Questions?

27 Thank you! Renee Cholkar Mathematics Lead Teacher Wake Leadership Academies Wake County Public School System

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