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“M AJOR ” DEBATES IN P SYCHOLOGY NATURE NURTURE. L EARNING O BJECTIVES To introduce the nature and nurture debate To examine the significance of this.

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Presentation on theme: "“M AJOR ” DEBATES IN P SYCHOLOGY NATURE NURTURE. L EARNING O BJECTIVES To introduce the nature and nurture debate To examine the significance of this."— Presentation transcript:


2 L EARNING O BJECTIVES To introduce the nature and nurture debate To examine the significance of this debate to Psychological theory

3 “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them” William Shakespeare, Twelfth night: act II, Scene V

4 U SING S HAKESPEARE ’ S FAMOUS QUOTE AS A CLUE, CAN YOU SEPARATE THIS LIST OF WORDS INTO TWO GROUPS ? Culture Nature Learned Inherited Hereditary Genetic Innate Environmental Biological Social Nurture Acquired

5 CultureInnate LearnedInherited EnvironmentalHereditary SocialGenetic AcquiredBiological NurtureNature

6 TASK Now, IN NO MORE THAN 50 WORDS, explain how you decided on the make-up of your two groups. Try to avoid using any of the listed words in your explanation

7 H OW WOULD I DO THIS ? CultureInnate LearnedInherited EnvironmentalHereditary SocialGenetic AcquiredBiological NurtureNature The group on the left are all words which describe ways in which we develop because of the way we are brought up. The words on the right are all used to describe the way behaviour can be inborn or comes from our parents (44 words)

8 NATURE vs. NURTURE Theorists tend to explain behaviour in terms of one of two factors NATURENURTURE Genetics, biochemistry and physiology (Biological make-up) Socialisation, learning and experience. (Environmental factors)

9 PRACTISING PSYCHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS Identify on your grid, things which… …are definitely a product of nature …are definitely a product of nurture …are probably due to a mixture of both

10 W ATCH THE SHORT CLIP What issues does this raise in relation to the Nature Nurture debate?

11 T HE N ATURE N URTURE DEBATE IN P SYCHOLOGY : T HE STANDING OF THE DIFFERENT APPROACHES NATURE NURTURE BIOPSYCHOLOGY Focuses on genetic, physiological, hormonal and neurochemical explanations of behaviour PSYCHOANALYSIS Focuses on instinctual drives of sex and aggression, expressed within the restrictions imposed by society via the ego and superego COGNITIVE Focuses on innate information processing abilities or schemata that are constantly refined by experience HUMANISM While accepting basic psychological needs, the focus is upon the person’s experience of their social and physical environment. BEHAVIOURISM Focuses on the acquisition of virtually all behaviour from the environment via conditioning.

12 Look at the arguments/standpoint that you have been given You have 5 minutes to read through your argument(s), make brief notes in your own words and be ready to pass this information on to the rest of the class to put on to their ‘scales’.

13 Against Nurture/For Nature For Nurture/Against Nature NATURE NURTURE DEBATE

14 W HERE DO YOU STAND ? NATURE NURTURE Place yourselves on the continuum and prepare to justify your reasoning as a psychologist!

15 B0

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