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Julius Caesar Act 4 ACT IV Notes. Question #1 Who does Brutus see the night before the battle at Philippi? The ghost of Caesar.

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Presentation on theme: "Julius Caesar Act 4 ACT IV Notes. Question #1 Who does Brutus see the night before the battle at Philippi? The ghost of Caesar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Julius Caesar Act 4 ACT IV Notes

2 Question #1 Who does Brutus see the night before the battle at Philippi? The ghost of Caesar

3 Question #2 In scene 1, why do Antony and Octavius want so many people in Rome killed? They do not want anyone to challenge their power.

4 Question #3 How do you know that Antony’s speech to the mob (Act III) was insincere? He wants to reduce Caesar's payment to the people.

5 Question #4 Who are the three members of the triumvirate? OctaviusAntonyLepidus

6 Question #5 What news do Brutus and Cassius receive from Messala? The armies of Antony and Octavius are heading toward Philippi. 100 senators have been killed. Portia is dead.

7 Question #6 What message does Caesar’s ghost bring to Brutus? They will meet again in Philippi.

8 Question #7 What animal does Antony compare Lepidus to? His horse, a donkey

9 Question #8 How does the setting of Act IV change from the previous act? It changes from the city of Rome to the battlefield.

10 Question #9 How would you describe the conversation between Brutus and Cassius at the beginning of scene 3? angry

11 Question #10 How does Antony change in Act IV from the previous acts? He becomes more ambitious for power.

12 Question #11 What is Antony’s opinion of Lepidus? Antony thinks that Lepidus is insignificant and unworthy of being one of the triumvirate. Antony thinks of him as an errand boy and a dumb animal (his horse).

13 Question #12 What does an angry Brutus accuse Cassius of doing? Brutus claims that Cassius has been immoral in raising money for his army. He accuses him of taking bribes and selling off his officers’ ranks. He refuses to give Brutus money to pay his troops.



16 Question #13 Why does Cassius want their army to remain where it is in Sardis instead of marching to Philippi? Cassius thinks it is better for the enemy army to seek them, wearying its soldiers and wasting its resources while their own army remains rested and ready.

17 Question #14 Why does Brutus want their army to meet the enemy forces at Philippi? Brutus thinks that their army is at its greatest strength now and should make a bold attack before their army can get any larger. If the enemy army comes to Sardis, it will attract many soldiers who are against Brutus and Cassius.

18 Question #15 How does the appearance of Caesar’s ghost affect Brutus, and what does Brutus do after he sees the ghost? Seeing the ghost upsets Brutus greatly. He tries to find others nearby who have also seen the ghost. He also decides to leave for Philippi immediately.

19 Question #16A Define anachronism. Anything that seems to be out of its proper time in history.

20 Question #16B What anachronism occurs in Act IV? Shakespeare uses a book in Act IV. Brutus tries to read a book while the others in their tent are sleeping. This is out of place because they did not have books in 48 B.C.; they used scrolls.

21 Question #17A Define foreshadowing. Using clues that suggest events that have yet to occur

22 Question #17B What incident of foreshadowing occurs in Act IV. While others are asleep in Brutus’ tent, Brutus is visited by the ghost of Caesar. He identifies himself as “an evil spirit” and says that he will see him again at Philippi. Brutus wakes up Lucius, Varro, and Claudius to ask why they cried out.

23 Question #17B (Cont’d) They denied crying out and did not see or hear anything strange. The ghost foreshadows the death of Brutus.

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