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平昌县福申小学 吴小会 Lesson o What color ? What color ? SI CHUAN EDUCATION ENGLISH.

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Presentation on theme: "平昌县福申小学 吴小会 Lesson o What color ? What color ? SI CHUAN EDUCATION ENGLISH."— Presentation transcript:

1 平昌县福申小学 吴小会 Lesson o What color ? What color ? SI CHUAN EDUCATION ENGLISH

2 Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing. Contents 1 Teaching aims 2 Teaching methods 3 DESIGN Layout 5 2 4

3 教学地位 Contents 1 本课是四川教育出版社, 三年级英语上册, lesson o what color ?主要是向学生讲 授有关颜色的单词及句子。

4 Contents 1 This lesson we will learn color words. Eg : red 、 blue 、 yellow 、 green. And sentence“What color is it ?” and how to answer “It is red/ blue…....” Those four words are difficult for the students. So I will teach them a game,let Ss learn it easily. CONTENS

5 Teaching aims 2 ① Knowleg aim : Ss can understand and ask: What color is it? Ss can answer : It is red / yellow/ blue… ② Ability aim : Develop the Ss’independently ability. ③ Emotional aim : According to playing games method, on the one hand,I want to make Ss be intreasted in English. On the other hand, Ss can learn by themselves.

6 DIFFICULT Teaching aims 2 Teaching difficult : the pronunciation of new words and how to use the sentence. 1)letter exercise. 2)Magic 3)game

7 Intuitive method Teaching methods 3 design Environment method Communicate method Game method Cooperation method

8 1 、 Greeting and introduce myself. 2 、 Warm up. ( letter exercise ) 3 、 New class. Sentence: --- What color is it? ( magic ) --- It is … ( cards and draw the picture ) 1 ) red 2)blue 3)yellow 4)green Teaching procedures and purposes of my designing. 4

9 Layout red blue yollow green What color ?

10 Thank you!

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