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FINAL REVIEW. If Britney Betch can survive 2007 … you can survive finals!

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Presentation on theme: "FINAL REVIEW. If Britney Betch can survive 2007 … you can survive finals!"— Presentation transcript:


2 If Britney Betch can survive 2007 … you can survive finals!


4 Largest region of the brain __________

5 What are the 2 types of glial cells in the PNS?

6 What are the 4 types of glial cells in the CNS?

7 Why does the spinal cord run the entire length of the vertebral column in a child but not in an adult?

8 Where does the spinal cord end?

9 What 3 structures make up the brainstem?

10 Label A. Sulcus or Gyrus? B. Sulcus or Gyrus? C. D. E. F. What is this vascular network called? G. H. I. J. K. L.

11 What are the stabilizing extensions of the dura matter?

12 What is the difference between a monosynaptic and polysynaptic reflex?

13 Choose the correct answer(s) The somatic nervous system belongs to the efferent / afferent division. The autonomic nervous system belong to the efferent / afferent division.

14 “Flight or Fight” is due to which branch of the ANS? What about “Rest and Digest”

15 Axons cross opposite sides of the spinal cord at “crossbars” called ______________

16 A. Which lobe? B. C. D. E. Which meningeal layer? F.

17 What produces CSF in the ventricles?

18 A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. What is this entire structure called? K. L. M. N. KEY: Spinal nerve Gray matter White matter Dorsal column Dorsal horn Ventral column Ventral horn Lateral horn Dorsal root Central canal Dorsal root ganglion Ventral root Anterior median fissure Posterior median sulcus

19 What divides the lateral ventricles?

20 Describe the circulation pathway of CSF – identify the ventricles and the foramina

21 Where does conscious thought, memory processing, and reasoning take place?

22 What is the highlighted section called?

23 Where is the motor and sensory cortex in relation to the central sulcus?

24 What does the term “split brain” refer to and what structure plays a role in this effect?

25 Choose the correct answer Adipose tissue to pad the spinal cord is contained: A. Epidural space B. Subdural space C. Subarachnoid space

26 What is responsible for automating voluntary muscle contractions?

27 Circle the correct answer(s) The efferent /afferent division of the PNS carries out motor responses to the sensory information, while the efferent / afferent division receives sensory information and sends it to the CNS for processing. 2 POINTS

28 Label A. B. C. D. E.

29 What structure picks up on sensory impulses for analysis?

30 What makes up the diencephalon?

31 What is a plexus?

32 What plexus does the genitofemoral nerve belong to?

33 The major endocrine gland responsible for growth and development

34 What does myelin do?

35 Name the structures of the midbrain that are responsible for the visual and auditory reflex? And which one is which

36 What is the name of this structure and what is it responsible for?

37 What controls visceral functions?

38 What structure of the brain stores muscle patterns and coordinates skeletal motor functions?

39 Circle the correct answer(s) The vermis / primary fissure divides the left and right hemispheres of the cerebellum. The vermis / primary fissure divides the cerebellum into anterior and posterior components.

40 Choose the correct answer Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is contained in: A. Epidural space B. Subdural space C. Subarachnoid space

41 What is the largest cranial nerve?

42 Why is a spinal nerve called a “mixed” nerve?

43 What is the 7 th cranial nerve?

44 Label A.A. B.B. C.C.

45 True or False: The brain has a large involvement in reflex responses

46 Label A. B. C. D. N. E. F. G. H. I. K. M. KEY TERMS Auditory Ossicles Incus Semicircular canals Tympanic membrane Cochlea Maleus Stapes Fluid in middle ear Tympani muscle Auditory tube Auricle Middle Ear

47 Final take home message: Make sure to still read the Powerpoint slides and know the information well. Look over the quiz questions and homework questions. (Know the cranial nerves and their numbers. Know which spinal nerves belong to which plexus) As far as labeling, if you can label it in this powerpoint, you will be fine for the exam. *AS A REMINDER – THE EYE AND EAR IS NOT ON THIS REVIEW. BUT IT WILL BE TESTED. PLEASE REVIEW THE SLIDES ON LECTURE 21 & 22**

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