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Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision-debriefing 2.0900: Transect technique 3.0930: Brief/dive - Transects 4.1200: Lunch 5.1245-1700: Brief/dive - Transects.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision-debriefing 2.0900: Transect technique 3.0930: Brief/dive - Transects 4.1200: Lunch 5.1245-1700: Brief/dive - Transects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s schedule 1.0830: Revision-debriefing 2.0900: Transect technique 3.0930: Brief/dive - Transects 4.1200: Lunch 5.1245-1700: Brief/dive - Transects

2 Revision 1.Debrief from yesterday 2.Sizing aids revisited 3.Other considerations: identification

3 Aids to sizing fish 1. Slate marks 2. Transect tape marks 3. Hand measurements 4. Bracketing 5. Comparative approach 6. Recalibration during dive

4 Factors that contribute to under and overestimation of size 1. Low light 2. Dull body color 3. Poor visibility 4. Objects in foreground 5. Deep-bodied fish Underestimation Overestimation 1. Bright light 2. Bright body color 3. Good visibility 4. Objects in background 5. Elongate fish

5 Time Accuracy 0% 100% The progress function There is hope!

6 Recap: Visual transect overview

7 Phase 1 Diver 2 - Lays tape - Count midwater fish Diver 1 - Lays tape - Count bottom fish Recap: Visual transect overview

8 Diver 2 - Lays tape - Count canopy fish Diver 1 - Estimates canopy Entire transect duration: <20min Phase 2 Recap: Visual transect overview

9 Visual transects - Part 1 Technique 1. Dimension: 30x2x2m 2. Moving windows 3. Moving in bounds 4. The Stop, Scan, Search approach 5. When to write? 6. On what do I write, when I need to write?

10 2. Moving windows 3m

11 2. Moving windows Look ahead, but not too far ahead

12 3. Moving in bounds



15 Use landmarks to help divide the transect

16 What about the 10m segments on the data sheet? 1. Origin: Optimism 2. Utility: Data recording tool 3. Real utility: Control device to maintain communication within dive pair 4. At 10m, establish visual contact with other team member

17 4. Stop, Scan, Search Mobile, shoaling species

18 Sedentary, solitary, cryptic species 4. Stop, Scan, Search


20 Structure your counts, develop routine

21 5. When do I write all this stuff down? 1. After scan at beginning of bound 2. At end of bound 3. When you have more than 3 tallies to remember 4. Whenever you need to Golden rule: Never lower your slate!

22 On what do I write all this stuff down?

23 Fish sampling datasheet

24 Stillwater East 6 Aug 2001 Craig Syms 10051040 A 1 25, 30, 60 2 208 6 SATRSMYSSMELOPIC SCARHDEC CNIC ELATDVAC 20 (3) 24 15 (4) 8 (26) 30, 35 13 12, 14, 13 (2) 26, 27, 30 (2) 14, 12, 13, 20 9 (14) 25, 35 12, 14 24 25 22 (4) 35 17 (5) 35, 20 18, 32 10, 9, 9 (3) SFLA 30, 35, 38 BFRE 5 (10), 8, 7 4 (6), 5, 7 KGB 8, 6, 7 (12) 4, 6, 5, 7 9, 10 3 (12) 4 (5) 4 (15) 4 (5), 5 Fish sampling datasheet

25 Today’s dive program Morning - Dive 1: Everyone: Transect pairs Afternoon - Dive 2: Group 1: Bottom-midwater pairs Group 2: Transect clinic Afternoon - Dive 3: Group 1: Transect clinic Group 2: Bottom-midwater pairs

26 Today’s dive program Morning Transect pairs - Materials: Slate, 2 fish data sheets, (fish cheat sheet) - Work in pairs (self-assortment) - Dive: Lay out 2 transect lines end to end; Swim back side by side, counting fish; After both transects - compare counts; Re-count transect lines; Repeat/reel up contingent on gas

27 Today’s dive program Afternoon Bottom-midwater pairs - Materials: Slate, 2 fish data sheets, (fish cheat sheet), 1 transect tape each - Work in pairs (self-assortment) - Dive: Designate bottom-midwater counters; Descend, tie-off tapes; Swim bearing (count, maintain visual contact); Change positions; Repeat for tank duration-cutoff time

28 Afternoon Transect clinic - Materials: Slate, 2 fish data sheets, (fish cheat sheet), 1 transect tape each - Work in pairs (self-assortment) - Dive: Conduct dive with trainer; Conduct bottom transects as directed; Debrief at boat; Today’s dive program

29 Dive safety brief 1. Dive log - sign out and in 2. Dive procedures - ascent rate 10m/min - deep-shallow - maintain dive team 3. Communications: pay phone (lab), cell phone & VHF Ch 16 (Paragon) 4. First Aid & Oxygen - Shore and Paragon 5. Evacuation plan: Lighthouse - left on Forest - Highway 68 - few miles on Pacific Grove, CHOMP

30 Questions?

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