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Chapter 5 Gross & Microscopic Bone Anatomy

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1 Chapter 5 Gross & Microscopic Bone Anatomy

2 The Skeletal System Parts of the skeletal system
Bones (skeleton) Joints Cartilages Ligaments Divided into 2 divisions Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton

3 Functions of Bones Support body Protect soft organs
Movement due to attached skeletal muscles Storage of minerals and fats Blood cell formation

4 Bones of the Human Body The skeleton has 206 bones
Two types of bone tissue Compact bone - Homogeneous Spongy bone - Small needle-like pieces of bone - Many open spaces

5 Classification Based on Shape

6 Paranasal Sinuses Hollow parts of bones surrounding nasal cavity
Functions: Lighten the skull Resonate and amplify voice

7 The Hyoid Bone Only bone that doesn’t articulate with another bone
Moveable base for tongue

8 Gross Anatomy of a Long Bone
Know 7 Structures 1. Diaphysis Shaft compact bone 2. Epiphysis Ends of the bone mostly spongy bone

9 3. Periosteum 4. Sharpey’s fibers 5. Arteries
Outside covering of diaphysis Fibrous connective tissue membrane 4. Sharpey’s fibers Secure periosteum to bone 5. Arteries Supply bone cells with nutrients

10 6. Articular cartilage 7. Medullary cavity Covers the ends
hyaline cartilage Decreases friction 7. Medullary cavity Cavity of shaft Contains yellow marrow (mostly fat) in adults Contains red marrow (for blood cell formation) in infants

11 Microscopic Anatomy of Bone
Know 6 parts: 1. Osteon (Haversian System) A unit of bone 2. Central (Haversian) canal Opening in the center For blood vessels & nerves 3. Perforating (Volkmann’s) canals perpendicular to central canal

12 6. Canaliculi 4. Lacunae 5. Lamellae
Cavities containing bone cells (osteocytes) Arranged in rings 5. Lamellae Rings around central canal 6. Canaliculi Tiny canals Radiate from central canal to lacunae Transport system

13 Changes in the Growing Skeleton
In embryos, the skeleton is hyaline cartilage During development, much of this cartilage is replaced by bone -Cartilage remains in isolated areas Bridge of the nose Parts of ribs Joints

14 Bone Growth Epiphyseal (growth) plates
- growth of long bone during childhood - New cartilage is continuously formed - Older cartilage ossified (broken down & replaced by bone)

15 Remodeled & lengthened
- until growth stops - Bones change shape somewhat & grow in width

16 Types of Bone Cells 1. Osteocytes 2. Osteoblasts – b for build
Mature bone cells 2. Osteoblasts – b for build Bone-forming cells 3. Osteoclasts – hard c for kill Bone-destroying cells Break down bone matrix for remodeling and release of calcium Bone remodeling is a process by both osteoblasts and osteoclasts

17 Developmental Aspects
At birth, skull bones incomplete Bones joined by fibrous membranes – fontanelles Fontanelles replaced by bone within 2 years Fetal skull is large compared to total body length

18 Upper Lower (UL) Ratio - Reaches 1:1 about age 10

19 Bone Fractures A break in a bone Types
1. Closed (simple) fracture –does not penetrate skin 2. Open (compound) fracture –penetrates through skin Bone fractures are treated by reduction and immobilization - Realignment of the bone

20 Common Types of Fractures

21 Repair of Bone Fractures
1. Hematoma (blood-filled swelling) is formed 2. Break is splinted by fibrocartilage to form a cartilaginous callus 3. Fibrocartilage callus is replaced by a bony callus 4. Bony callus is remodeled to form a permanent patch

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