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1 The California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework: Theory to Practice Getting Acquainted

2 Getting to Know You Instructor Participants

3 Course Overview This course is about the Infant/Toddler Reflective Curriculum Planning Process as described in the California Infant/Toddler Curriculum Framework. The content focuses on reflection, observation strategies and tools, documentation strategies and tools, planning and implementation of a reflective curriculum.

4 Course Learning Objectives Participants will be able to: Identify and describe the reflective curriculum planning process. Describe strategies and tools for participatory observation of infants and toddlers and how to make use of these observations of children in a reflective way to document, inform, and plan their curriculum planning process.

5 Course Learning Objectives (Continued) Participants will be able to: Understand how to plan curriculum for infants and toddlers in an integrated manner that facilitates development in all four infant/toddler learning domains. Demonstrate understanding of the reflective curriculum planning process.

6 Course Activities Leadership Meetings Training Program/Classroom Observations & Coaching Quality Improvement Planning (QIP)

7 Infant/Toddler Reflective Curriculum Planning Process Student/Participant Handout Course Description This course explores the Infant/Toddler Reflective Curriculum Planning Process used by the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC), as described in the California Infant/Toddler Learning & Development System materials. The course is intended for infant/toddler care teachers, family child care providers, and infant/toddler program administrators and other leaders. The course focuses on reflection, observation strategies and tools, documentation strategies and tools, planning and implementation of a reflective curriculum. Course Syllabus, Text, and Assignments


9 Connections Between Resources Teachers gain: General knowledge of young children from the foundations. Ideas for supporting learning & development from the curriculum framework. Information on individual children’s learning and developmental progress from the DRDP.


11 DRDP (2015) A Developmental Continuum from Early Infancy to Kindergarten Entry (California Department of Education, Sacramento, Fall 2014)

12 Desired Results Developmental Profile (2015) Reliable, strength-based tool teachers use to observe and document children’s learning and development, birth through Kindergarten entry. Points out observable aspects of development. Provides means to document actual progress children make in their learning and development. Is in alignment with I/T and Preschool Foundations.

13 Taking Care of Business Participant Profiles Sign-in sheets Evaluations Enrollment Process

14 Academic Credit Institution of Higher Education California State University (CSU) Fresno (Continuing & Global Ed) Credits 2 semester units Deadline for enrollment Subsidized Enrollment Fee $75 for 2 units Transferability of units

15 Academic Credit Requirements Required Attendance At least 28 hours of group instruction Required Course Assignments 6 core assignments Written summary Display and Presentation

16 When are we going to meet? We need to meet a total of 35-36 hours over the next 6-9 months. When do we meet? » How often each month? » What time and day of the week? » How many hours each time? » Over how many months? » Do we need to plan for holiday and/or vacation breaks?

17 Activity What brings you joy in watching children’s learning and development unfold? What do you wonder about when observing children’s exploration? What do you want most from this course?


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