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A Learning Community Celebrates Successes Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’ Retreat August 3, 2012 Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’

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Presentation on theme: "A Learning Community Celebrates Successes Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’ Retreat August 3, 2012 Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’"— Presentation transcript:

1 A Learning Community Celebrates Successes Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’ Retreat August 3, 2012 Stan Rounds Superintendent Administrators’ Retreat August 3, 2012

2 We begin with a mission focused on student achievement and success! Thank you for your courageous leadership

3 New Principals, Assistant Principals, Central Office Personnel, and Instructional Specialists Please come to the stage and introduce yourself to all of us!

4 Monte Vista Elementary 2012 School Grade A 2012 School Grade A The second highest rated school in New Mexico

5 Highland Elementary 2012 School Grade A 2012 School Grade A

6 2012 School Grade B César Chávez Elementary Central Elementary Desert Hills Elementary Sonoma Elementary

7 2012 School Grade B Sunrise Elementary University Hills Elementary White Sands Elementary & Middle Camino Real Middle School

8 2012 School Grade B Lynn Middle School Picacho Middle School Sierra Middle School Arrowhead Park Early College High School

9 Improved Grade Central (C to B) Cesar Chavez (D to B) Conlee (F to C) Dona Ana (D to C) East Picacho (D to C) Highland (C to A) Jornada (D to C) Sunrise (C to B) University Hills (F to B) Valley View (F to D) White Sands (D to B) Camino Real (D to B) Lynn (C to B) Picacho (D to B) Sierra (D to B) Vista (D to C) San Andres (F to D) Mayfield (D to C) Central (C to B) Cesar Chavez (D to B) Conlee (F to C) Dona Ana (D to C) East Picacho (D to C) Highland (C to A) Jornada (D to C) Sunrise (C to B) University Hills (F to B) Valley View (F to D) White Sands (D to B) Camino Real (D to B) Lynn (C to B) Picacho (D to B) Sierra (D to B) Vista (D to C) San Andres (F to D) Mayfield (D to C) The Road to Continuous & Transformative Improvement

10 Driving Focus on Student Achievement and Success Our Collective Expectation

11 Expectations Focus on Improved Student Achievement Classroom Walkthroughs Achievement goals are supported by appropriate strategies and monitored continually Achievement goals are supported by appropriate strategies and monitored continually Data guides the differentiation of instruction Data guides the differentiation of instruction The EPSS is a living document that we ALL develop and monitor for effectiveness The EPSS is a living document that we ALL develop and monitor for effectiveness We adhere to the principles of Invitational Education Key components of the evaluation process Ownership of the accountability - principals’ evaluation focused on achievement

12 Transformation A Powerful Process Principals who would like to share their journey with transformation are invited to address the group so we can celebrate your journey.

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