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Special Embryology ___ Development of organs and organ systems

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1 Special Embryology ___ Development of organs and organ systems

2 Chapter 22 Development of the face and neck

3 额鼻突 frontonasal prominence 心突 heart bulge

4 heart prominence (bulge)
frontonasal prominence heart prominence (bulge)

5 Development of the branchial apparatus
Ⅰ. 鳃器的发生 Development of the branchial apparatus 鳃弓 Branchial arch 鳃沟 Branchial groove 咽囊 Pharyngeal pounch 鳃膜 pharyngeal membrane


7 Ⅱ.Derivatives of the pharyngeal pouches
1st:tympanic cavity pharyngotympanic tube tympanic membrane external auditory meatus auricle 2nd: palatine tonsil 3rd: thymus (ventral) inferior parathyroid (dorsal) 4th: superior parathyroid 5th: ultimobranchial body epi. crypt


9 Ⅲ. Development of the tongue
lateral lingual swelling (distal tongue bud) tuberculum impar (median tongue bud) copula hypopharyngeal eminence terminal sulcus foramen cecum

10 bifid tongue

11 Ⅳ. Formation of the face, mouth and nose
Frontonasal prominence 上颌突 Maxillary prominence 下颌突 Mandibular prominence 口凹 Stomodeum 鼻板 Nasal placode

12 鼻窝 Nasal pit 内侧鼻突 Medial nasal prominence
外侧鼻突 lateral nasal prominence primitive nasal cavity 鼻泪沟 Nasolacrimal groove

13 lower jaw lower lip lateral part of upper jaw and upper lip cheek apex of nose bridge of nose philtrum external nares oral fissure



16 鼻囊 Nasal sac Primitive nasal chamber 口鼻膜 Oronasal membrane 原始鼻后孔 Primitive choana

17 Congenital Malformation
Cleft lip the maxillary process fail to fuse with the medial nasal process



20 b. Oblique Facial Cleft 面斜裂
the maxillary process fail to fuse with its corresponding lateral nasal process


22 Ⅴ. Development of the palate and separation of the nasal cavity
正中腭突 Median palatine process (primary palate) 外侧腭突 Lateral palatine process 切齿孔 Incisive foramen Hard palate Soft palate 腭垂 uvula Nasal septum 鼻甲 nasal conchae

23 Congenital Malformation
cleft palate bilateral anterior cleft palate posterior cleft palate posterior cleft palate With left anterior cleft palate complete cleft palate



26 Ⅵ.Formation of the neck 心上嵴Epicardial ridge 颈窦 Cervical sinus
颈囊 Cervical cyst 颈瘘 Cervical fistula

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