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Corn CTE intro FACS-Agriculture. Careers or Industries that rely on Corn Production  Farmers  Farm Equipment Producers  Mechanics  Researchers  Food.

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Presentation on theme: "Corn CTE intro FACS-Agriculture. Careers or Industries that rely on Corn Production  Farmers  Farm Equipment Producers  Mechanics  Researchers  Food."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corn CTE intro FACS-Agriculture

2 Careers or Industries that rely on Corn Production  Farmers  Farm Equipment Producers  Mechanics  Researchers  Food and Beverage Industry  Medical Industry  Drilling Industry

3 Anatomy of Corn Endosperm: Inside of the corn. White or Yellow. Made of Starch and contains water. Pericarp: Outer shell. Hard! Called the Hull. It is made of Cellulose. Germ: Small central inside portion. Contains the DNA of the seed. Contains oil. Tip Cap: Is where the kernel joined to the cob.

4 What’s your favorite way to eat corn?

5 Zea Mays Everta ……the scientific name for…….. Americans consume about 14-15 gallons per person each year! How many quarts is that?

6 History of Popcorn…….  Archaeologists uncovered popcorn ears nearly 5,600 years old in the Bat Cave of West Central New Mexico.  In Peru, researchers found 1,000 year old grains of popcorn that were so well preserved…..the actually still popped!  1492 – Columbus discovered Arawak and Carib Indians using popcorn for food and decorations.  1519 – Cortez found the Aztecs adorned in popcorn necklaces.  1620 – Popcorn was present at the first Thanksgiving!  1700 – Colonial women made the first breakfast cereal by pouring milk and sugar over popcorn.

7 Is pop corn healthy?  Yes! Popcorn is a Whole Grain.  It is a good source of fiber!  It is low in calories and fat.  If it is air popped, it only has 31 calories per cup; oil-popped has 55 calories per cup.  3 cups of popcorn equals one serving from the grain group.  Popcorn is a great snack between meals!

8 Does all corn Pop?  There are 5 main types of corn….but only ZEA MAYS EVERTA pops!  If the kernels are split, dented, or have low moisture they will not pop. These Kernels are called……. Old Maids

9 Popping Tips!  Keep the kernels in an air tight container, to retain the moisture.  The pan or hot air popper needs to be heated up first!  Pour in the oil if you are using a pan. Do not use butter! The butter will smoke and burn.  Pour in the kernels. They will pop once the endosperm reaches 400 – 460 degrees. Toss lightly if using a pan. Take off the heat source when most kernels are popped!

10 Can you guess some products made with corn? 1.Gas and Oil 2.Gypsum Drywall 3.Adhesives 4.Cosmetics 5.Fresh Vegetables 6.Wax paper and Waxed Cardboard 7.Bio-engineered Bone and Gum Tissue 8.Splenda and Equal 9.Hand Soap 10.Windex 11.Varnish 12.Toothpaste 13.Matches 14.Paving Bricks 15.Coated Aspirin 16.Tires, Jelly Beans, Licorice, and Molded Plastics 17.Spark Plugs 18.Diapers

11 Corn is in everything!

12 Agriculture is important to many different industries, besides the food and beverage industry!

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