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On your whiteboard write down a short sentence explaining how you think a computer works. You do not need to log on!

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Presentation on theme: "On your whiteboard write down a short sentence explaining how you think a computer works. You do not need to log on!"— Presentation transcript:

1 On your whiteboard write down a short sentence explaining how you think a computer works. You do not need to log on!


3 Must be able to list the main components of a computer Should be able to describe how the main components of a computer ensures the system runs smoothly Could be able to locate the main components of a computer on a motherboard Key Words: Hardware, Motherboard, CPU, Hard disk drive

4 Input Process Output Storage

5 The motherboard is a circuit board that connects the CPU to the memory and all the other hardware.

6 Around the classroom are three stations, each station has 3-4 QR codes. Using your iPad you should scan the QR codes and gather information about your component.


8 Heat sink and fan CPU (Underneath heat sink) PCI slot RAM Keyboard and mouse connector CPU ROM

9 In your groups of 4 you should annotate your motherboard. After 2 minutes I will let one person from your group stray from your team to share or gather additional components!

10 Heat sink and fan CPU (Underneath heat sink) PCI slot RAM Keyboard and mouse connector CPU ROM Did you find any more components?

11 In pairs you must each take turns to list a component of a computer. The pair with the most components listed will win a prize!

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