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The Baroque Era ch 15, 14 George Frideric Handel Oratorio.

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Presentation on theme: "The Baroque Era ch 15, 14 George Frideric Handel Oratorio."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Baroque Era ch 15, 14 George Frideric Handel Oratorio

2 J. S. Bach & G. F. Handel Bachlike end of Baroque (1685-1750) large output many diverse styles & genres; sacred & secular Bachunlike polyphony Renaissance music—little acceptance in lifetime; forgotten after NO OPERA! few outside influences Handel end of Baroque (1685-1759) large output many diverse styles & genres; sacred & secular Handel homophony Classical era music popular during & after lifetime much OPERA! Germany Italy England

3 Handel in England Writing Opera

4 Handel in England Opera

5 Handel in England Oratorio

6 Opera & Oratorio Operalike large-scale work based on story line recitatives, arias, ensembles orchestra Operaunlike Italian language Plots: mythology, aristocrats, historic figures Little chorus NO narrator Much visual Oratorio large-scale work based on story line recitatives, arias, ensembles orchestra Oratorio English language plots: O.T. stories Chorus = VIMP Narrator = VIMP NO Visual

7 zHandel zEv’ry Valley shall be Exalted from Messiah zAria from Oratorio zI= yword painting Overview Connect Kamien

8 zHandel zHallelujah Chorus from Messiah zChorus from Oratorio zI= Frequent and sudden texture changes xMonophony, polyphony, homophonypolyphonyhomophony Overview Connect Kamien 1212

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