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Ecological Assessment of Symonds Yat Rapids Eric Palmer Cresswell Associates.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecological Assessment of Symonds Yat Rapids Eric Palmer Cresswell Associates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecological Assessment of Symonds Yat Rapids Eric Palmer Cresswell Associates

2 Assessment of Results Recommendations Desk Study Field Survey

3 Desk Study Herefordshire Biological Records Centre Environment Agency Natural England NBN Gateway MAGIC web site Symonds Yat Rapids Preservation Group web site

4 Ecological Survey Phase I botany Habitats of conservation value, and Protected species of plants and animals: White-clawed crayfish Water voles Otters Bats Badgers Birds

5 Desk Study Results Special Area for Conservation (SAC) Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) Lower Wye SSSI designated as a salmonid fishery EA highlighted rapids, adjacent and downstream habitats as suitable spawning areas for SAC fish species – although no specific records Area supports a diverse assemblage of aquatic invertebrates Other protected species records: great crested newt, several bat species, and hazel dormouse

6 Survey Results: Plants and Habitats

7 Otters: spraint and resting sites Survey Results: protected species

8 Bats: Potential roost sites

9 Survey Results: protected species Dormice: Woodland on river banks suitable Reptiles: unlikely to be present in large numbers, grass snakes may use island to feed

10 Survey Results: protected species Fish: Habitat suitable for a variety of species at different life stages. Scoured areas Clean gravels Silt berms Pools

11 Survey Results: protected species White-clawed crayfish: Not found during 2005 survey Habitat is suitable Remains found in otter spraint on island

12 Badgers: no signs Water voles: Habitat of limited suitability – unlikely to be present Amphibians: No breeding areas noted, but terrestrial habitat Survey Results: protected species

13 Assessment Most valuable features and habitats: Substrate of the river bed for fish and invertebrates Otter resting sites Trees with potential to support roosting bats Potential impacts: Fish and invertebrates (including crayfish) Otters Bats Dormice

14 Mitigation Fish: Timing of works; protect and enhance habitat Invertebrates: enhance habitat Crayfish: rescue if present; enhance habitat Otters: protect known resting site; temporary disruption Bats: avoid impacts on occupied trees Dormice: avoid impacts on occupied nests

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