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Chapter 2 The Teaching Profession. Characteristics of Classroom Classrooms are.. Multidimensial Simultaneous Immediate Unpredictable Public.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 The Teaching Profession. Characteristics of Classroom Classrooms are.. Multidimensial Simultaneous Immediate Unpredictable Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 The Teaching Profession

2 Characteristics of Classroom Classrooms are.. Multidimensial Simultaneous Immediate Unpredictable Public

3 Multidimensial Classrooms Teachers need to be able to perform various roles There’s a lot of different things can than get in the way of teaching You need to be able to work around the interruptions

4 Classroom events are Simultaneous Everything will happen at once Need to be able to handle everything going on If there’s more than one problem going on in the classroom, knowing which problem to go to first may be challenging

5 Classroom Events are Immediate Have to make decisions right away Classroom life requires split second decision making

6 Classrooms are Unpredictable Every teacher has a plan and a way they manage their classroom but often there will be unpredictable events These unpredictable events can be found both interesting and challenging A response you weren’t planning on getting from a student can also be an example

7 Classrooms are Public It’s obvious that you teach in front of people making it public. – making a mistake in front of your students every now and then is inevitable – Need to be able to correct the mistake professionally

8 Overlapping Teachers ability to attend more than one classroom activity at a time This takes time and effort if you are not an expert teacher Becoming aware of overlapping when in undergraduate prep program will help build your career

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