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EXCEL-ERATE Sunday School That Really Excels Dr. Steve R. Parr.

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Presentation on theme: "EXCEL-ERATE Sunday School That Really Excels Dr. Steve R. Parr."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXCEL-ERATE Sunday School That Really Excels Dr. Steve R. Parr

2 Elevate the Strategy What are the top priorities of your church? You must put it “near” the top. You must talk it up. How are you elevating it?

3 X-press Appreciation Three Quick Ways to affirm volunteers: 1.Personal Affirmation Frequently 2.Public Affirmation Regularly 3.Tangible Awards Occasionally

4 Communicate the Correct Purpose The most common misperception is that the purpose is to “study…..” The purpose is to work together to fulfill the Great Commission. Perception of “purpose” affects “practice.”

5 Expand Your Base Two Keys: Number of Leaders and Number of Groups. Grow your leaders and they will grow your group. Be willing to release to others. Reproduce your group.

6 Lead Your Groups to Minister Together “Soon after Jesus was traveling from one town and village to another, preaching and telling the good news of the kingdom of God. The twelve were with Him…” (Luke 8:1 HCSB) The most obvious is to minister to all of your members. Go to the next level by leading your group to minister to the community.

7 Expand the Enrollment The more people your group ministers to, the more people you will have in Bible Study. Transition from an attendance list to a ministry list. You must expand the list “some” to maintain and “much” to excel.

8 Reach Out to the Un-churched The un-churched include believers and non-believers who do not regularly attend church. Why small groups like Sunday School are advantageous… It begins with leadership but it takes a team.

9 Assign Groups by Life-Stage Small Groups + Worship = A great blend of focused ministry with intergenerational relationships. The greatest challenge is with “adults.” Understand the Flip Flop Principle. Is there a place for a person of every stage to connect?

10 Teach Age-Appropriate Applicable Bible Studies What is unique about the life stage you lead? How do they learn best at this stage of their growth? What are their attention spans like? How can the learners actively participate with your style of teaching?

11 Equip The Leaders This is the most tangible determining factor in the growth of the Sunday School or Small Group Ministry. What is the “Equipping Plan” for your leaders? Equip based on Biblical responsibility rather than level of participation.

12 EXCEL-ERATE Sunday School That Really Excels Dr. Steve R. Parr

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