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Watermelon Poem Mrs. Adcock.

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Presentation on theme: "Watermelon Poem Mrs. Adcock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watermelon Poem Mrs. Adcock

2 *Imagery appeals to the senses*
How many senses do you have? Five What are they? Sight Touch Smell Taste Hearing

3 What senses do the following sentences appeal to?
What kinds of words create Imagery/ Sensory Detail? The steaming slice of pizza was dripping large blobs of grease onto the thin paper plate. The steaming (SIGHT) slice of pizza was dripping large blobs of grease (SIGHT) onto the thin, flimsy (SIGHT, TOUCH) paper plate. The raucous screeching of the fire alarm caused my head to pound furiously. The raucous screeching (SIGHT) of the fire alarm caused my head to pound furiously (TOUCH). The brilliantly bright green and the fresh, clean scent of the newly cut grass wafting through the air made me smile. The brilliantly bright green (SIGHT) and the fresh, clean scent (SMELL) of the newly cut grass wafting through the air made me smile. ADJECTIVES

4 Identify Any Imagery that you see! (phrases that appeal to your senses)

5 Identify Any Imagery that you see! (phrases that appeal to your senses)

6 Take out a piece of paper and make the following chart:
Outside Observations Smell Sight Touch Taste Hear **Fill in at least TWO items for each sense **You will have a limited time outside

7 Take out a piece of paper and make the following chart:
Watermelon Observations Smell Sight Touch Taste Hear **Fill in at least TWO items for each sense

8 Watermelon Poem Assignment
Poem must have SOME RHYME SCHEME (labeled on the right) Example: A,B,A,B C,D,C,D, E,F,E,F G,H,G,H Example: A,A,A,A B,B,B,B C,C,C,C D,D,D,D Poem must be at least 16 lines Poem must be from the point of view of the watermelon (I, We, Me) Use Imagery that appeals to all 5 senses (underlined and labeled with senses) Completed poem Due Thurs 05/07

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