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Structure from Motion ECE 847: Digital Image Processing

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1 Structure from Motion ECE 847: Digital Image Processing
Stan Birchfield Clemson University

2 Acknowledgment Many slides are courtesy of others

3 SVD Any mxn matrix A can be decomposed as where
This is the singular value decomposition (SVD) mxm mxn nxn

4 Tall and short matrices
Tall matrix m>n, p = n = mxm mxn nxn Short matrix m<n, p = m = mxm mxn nxn

5 Compact version = = Tall matrix Tall matrix m>n, p = n mxm mxn nxn
Short matrix Short matrix m<n, p = m = mxm mxn nxn

6 Compact version (cont.)
Tall matrix Tall matrix m>n, p = n = mxn nxn nxn Short matrix Short matrix m<n, p = m = mxm mxm mxn

7 SVD reveals structure Let r be the index of the smallest non-zero singular value Then Easy to show:

8 Eigen / singular Singular values and singular vectors work like eigenvalues and eigenvectors: First p eigenvalues of ATA (or AAT) are squares of the singular values of A:

9 Condition number A is non-singular if and only if
In real life, matrices are never singular. The condition number of A is If 1/C is near the machine’s precision, then A is ill-conditioned. It is dangerous to invert A.

10 Norms Singular values readily yield norms: Induced Euclidean norm:
Frobenius norm: (Euclidean norm, treating matrix as vector)

11 Least squares where The set of equations is solved as or

12 Least squares (cont.) Minimum norm least squares solution to Ax=b, i.e., the shortest vector x that achieves is unique and is given by where pseudoinverse inverts all nonzero singular values

13 Homogeneous system What if b is all zeros?
Then the minimum-norm solution is not interesting, b/c it will be x=0 always Instead, find unit-norm solution Solution is given by (the right singular vector associated with the smallest singular value)

14 Enforcing constraints
Find closest matrix to A in the sense of Frobenius norm that satisfies constraints exactly: Factorize A = USVT Change S to S’ to satisfy constraints Put back together: A’ = US’VT Example: Enforce rank of A by setting small singular values to zero

15 Geometric interpretation of SVD

16 Structure from motion Structure from motion (SFM) recovers
scene geometry camera motion from a sequence of images Could be called structure (or shape) and motion from video (SAMV), but nobody does this

17 SFM preliminaries Collect F frames of P points (with correspondence)
Camera coordinate system: centered at focal point and aligned with image axes (x and y in image, positive z along optical axis) World coordinate system is coincident with first camera (arbitrary)

18 SFM under perspective projection
pth point Perspective imaging: Equation counting: 2FP+1 equations (extra equation from scale ambiguity) 3P + 6(F-1) unknowns Required: 2FP+1 >= 3P + 6(F-1) With 2 frames, need at least 5 points xp-tf xp if fth camera coord sys. tf world coord sys. jf

19 Perspective: 2 frames of 5 points
Show graphically that with fewer than 5 points, there is always wiggle room between camera frames

20 8-point algorithm Longuet-Higgins Hartley normalization

21 SFM under orthographic projection
Orthographic imaging ignores depth: Equation counting: 2FP+F equations (extra eqn. for each frame: set z motion to 0) 3P + 6(F-1) unknowns (same as perspective) But equations are not independent (complicated proof omitted) 2 frames is not enough With 3 frames, need at least 4 points

22 Orthography: 3 frames of 4 points
Show graphically the wiggle room with < 3 frames or < 4 points

23 Factorization Recall: Stack into measurement matrix:
rotation 4xP 2FxP 2Fx4 (Tomasi and Kanade 1992) measurement = motion x shape

24 Subtracting centroid Place world origin at centroid of points:
Then subtract centroid of image coordinates per frame:

25 Registered measurements
This leads to the registered measurement matrix: 3xP 2FxP 2Fx3 registered measurement = rotation x shape

26 Rank theorem Similarly, Use SVD to enforce rank constraint:
This reduces effects of noise in a robust, stable way 3

27 Euclidean constraints
But our choice was arbitrary Solution is unique only up to affine transformation Impose metric constraints to solve for Q: for any invertible 3x3 matrix Q use least squares, then Cholesky decomposition

28 Algorithm summary Tomasi-Kanade factorization for SFM:
(Quadratic equations require nonlinear minimization)

29 Results

30 More results

31 Handling occlusion Unknown image measurement pair (ufp,vfp) in frame f can be reconstructed if p is visible in 3 image frames 3 other points are visible in 4 frames

32 Occlusion results ping pong ball rotated 450 degrees
84% of data hallucinated from 16%

33 Factorization extensions
Poelman and Kanade (1994): Paraperspective Costeira and Kanade (1995): Multibody factorization Sturm and Triggs (1996): Perspective, fixed rank algorithm to speed computation multibody (Costeira and Kanade) results

34 Planar parallax See Irani

35 Using dynamics We have looked at batch methods. Now incremental methods. A. Davison real-time reconstruction

36 Texture mapping Pollefeys Depth image Triangle mesh Texture image
Textured 3D Wireframe model

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