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Finding Truth 5 Principles For Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes.

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1 Finding Truth 5 Principles For Unmasking Atheism, Secularism, and Other God Substitutes


3 Principle #1 Identify the Idol

4 Romans 1:25 They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served something created instead of the Creator, who is praised forever. Amen.

5 Why do we need to learn how to do this? since the weapons of our warfare are not worldly, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds. We demolish arguments 5and every high-minded thing that is raised up against the knowledge of God, taking every thought captive to obey Christ. 2 Cor. 10:4-5 God is not challenged by our doubts and questions and finding truth allows us to be even more confident in our faith!

6 Why do we need to learn how to do this? The spiritual person, however, can evaluate everything, yet he himself cannot be evaluated by anyone.16For who has known the Lord’s mind, that he may instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ. 1. Cor. 2:15-16 We have been given a mind that is both capable of rational and spiritual understanding as believers in Jesus

7 Why do we need to learn how to do this? but honor the Messiah as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you.16However, do this with gentleness and respect, keeping your conscience clear, so that when you are accused, those who denounce your Christian life will be put to shame. 1 Peter 3:15-16 The best way to give a defense is to truly listen to the other person, be able to put their thoughts into a system, and to offer a reasonable response to that system

8 Everybody has a god That which is the ultimate principle or fundamental truth, Something that is taken as the self-existent reality on which everything else depends. Timothy Keller – “Every human personality, community, thought-form, and culture will be based on some ultimate concern or some ultimate allegiance – either to God or to some God substitute.”

9 Some common idols Enlightenment rationalists made a god of reason Romantics made imagination god Nationalists idealize the nation Materialism makes matter ultimate – The opening line from Cosmos “The Cosmos is all there is, or ever was, or ever will be.” Empiricism elevates verified facts

10 There is some truth there God did create a material universe! God did create a world that can be known by a rational human mind. God did create a world that can be experienced by humans using their five senses God made us in His image and that gives us great freedom and creativity

11 Our Takeaways We can glean truth from those who hold different views than us Look to identify what the other person elevates to the place of God Seek to understand as much as you can about their belief system because everyone has one and it seems right to them at the moment!


13 Announcements Dr. David Chauncey will be here next week. Scott Belmore missionary to Alaska will be here as well Murder-Mystery theater this Friday Water Bottle hand out to follow Tailgator starts at 12:30 Trivia contest at Bistro Big meeting to follow Gator


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