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Emily Milford  Michaels---I-Wished-For-Death---- 30421637 Michaels---I-Wished-For-Death----

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2 Emily Milford

3  Michaels---I-Wished-For-Death---- 30421637 Michaels---I-Wished-For-Death---- 30421637

4  February 18 th, 1974  Overweight teen – 175 pounds at 5 feet  Started martial arts class  Started her life  Personal Trainer  First debut on Biggest Loser  Makes exercise fun!!!

5  Help the overweight transform their lives  Transform their bodies for the better  Make exercise fun  “Laugh, learn and dance to a healthier heart!”

6  "When you really put it in perspective you’re going to say, ‘Do I want to have the donut or do I want to look hot in my skinny jeans at spring break?’ she says. "I think the skinny jeans are going to outweigh the donut every single time."

7  “For me, I went from being the fat kid in high school to being the kid who could break two boards with her right foot. It changes the way that you behave and your actions dictate your behaviors, your behaviors dictate your choices, and your choices create the outcome of your destiny.”

8  1. Imagine being successful –know your goals  2. Believe in your abilities to achieve your goal  3. Take action –WORK!!

9  The Biggest Loser (2004)  Celebrity adviser to National Day of Dance for Heart Health  Workout DVD’s  Video games- Fitness Ultimatum 2009 & 2010  Members to her site have lost 1,177,181 pounds!  Fitness books

10  Everyday Health, Inc. “About Jillian.” Everyday Health, Inc., 2011. Web. 20 Mar. 2011..  Jimenez, Daniel. “Jillian MIchaels: The Biggest Motivator.” Young Money Media, 13 May 2008. Web. 20 Mar. 2011..  The Women’s Conference Archive Site. “Jillian Michaels.” The Women’s Conference, 2010. Web. 20 Mar. 2011..

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