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Bell Ringer: How is Earth like an island?.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer: How is Earth like an island?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer: How is Earth like an island?

2 6.1 Changing Landscape pg

3 The Effect of Human Activity
The first settlers of Hawaii 1600 years ago had customs to ___________ their natural resources not catching fish during spawning season cut down coconut palm, plant two In late 1700’s settlers imported ___________ plants and animals and _____________ land for farms. What happens when a growing human population doesn’t manage natural resources that are both vital and limited??? How is Earth like an island?

4 Humans Humans affect regional and global environments through 3 ways…….

5 1. ____________________
One of the most important inventions! Stored food supplies allow settlements to _________ and encourage modern civilization. Modern farming practices ________ world food production over last 50 years! ____________ is the practice of clearing land to plant one highly productive crop. How does providing food for 7 billion people affect natural resources?

6 2. _______________ As society developed many people lived in cities.
As cities became crowded people moved to _______________. We enjoy high standards of living which affects ________________. Dense human populations produce a lot of _____________ which impacts air, water, & soil resources. Development consumes farmland & divides natural habitats to ________________.

7 3. ____________ Growth Industrial ____________________ transformed society in 1800’s. Industry and science provides us with modern conveniences. These require ______________fuel energy Coal, oil, natural ___________. Harvesting and burning fossil fuels affects ____________________. Traditionally, industries have discarded wastes into the water, air, and soil.

8 Sustainable Development
Ecosystems provide _______ and services. Ex: freshwater & air _______________: produced/replaced by healthy ecosystem. EX? ________________: when natural processes can’t replenish in a reasonable amount of time. EX? __________________ development is using resources in an environmentally conscious way. provides for human needs while preserving the ecosystems that produce natural resources. No long term harm to soil, water, climate Consume little energy and material Help people survive and _________________situation.

9 Review Q’s 1a Make a table: 1b Population? Enviro. Health?
2aSustainable development? Minimize negative human impacts? 2b Sun Renewable? Oil Nonrenewable? 2c Filter Water? Flood Control? Absorb Excess Water? Human Activity Benefit Cost 1. 2. 3.

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