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For more info, go to:  1/2 credit in a tech-heavy course.  Many courses will help with and incorporate digital portfolios.

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Presentation on theme: "For more info, go to:  1/2 credit in a tech-heavy course.  Many courses will help with and incorporate digital portfolios."— Presentation transcript:

1 For more info, go to:

2  1/2 credit in a tech-heavy course.  Many courses will help with and incorporate digital portfolios.  ICT credit can be achieved by completing a more in-depth digital portfolio or through an independent study  Go to BHS ICT page to see a list of ICT credit courses.BHS ICT page

3 Digital Portfolios  A collection of artifacts  Artifacts fall under six different standards  Stored in your school network folders  A reflection is required

4 Yes! All students, starting with the class of 2009, must have a digital portfolio. And you need to write a reflection every year. The details are still being worked out on this. You will be working on these during your humanities courses.

5 Storing the Portfolio  It’s easy! Go to BHS ICT web page to see a sample set up!BHS ICT web page  You should have a folder entitled “Portfolio” in your My Documents folder  Within this, you should have folders for each school year  For each school year, you need a folder for each of the 6 standards  Or try a Dreamweaver webpage!

6 1. Creativity and Innovation iMovie, Garageband, websites, models, trends, original works and products 2. Communication and Collaboration Moodle, Video Conferencing, email, Podcasting, Blogging, Web-Publishing 3. Research and Information Fluency Database or spreadsheet, research work; accurate Google or other search; works-cited or Noodle What are the 6 Standards?

7 4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Spreadsheets, tables, charts, graphs, stock market projects, voting analysis, probes and database analysis 5. Digital Citizenship Works cited, Acceptable Use Policy, cyber- bullying, plagiarism, copyrights, “Netiqutte” 6. Technology Operations and Concepts Anything really: keyboarding, saving, printing, MS Office, Adobe, Dreamwaeaver, iMovie, Garageband; digital photography What are the 6 Standards?

8 Some frequently asked questions  How many artifacts do we need? You need enough to show “proficiency.” That means at least one per standard, but more may be needed. “Proficiency” has yet to be determined, but more information will be available soon.  Can group work go in the standard folders? Sure! If you worked on it, it can go in!  Will this go on my transcript? The ICT course will. If you make a more in- depth portfolio instead of taking an ICT course, then, yes, it will.

9 More Questions  What if we put the wrong artifact in the wrong folder? Don’t worry too much about this; there will be time to figure it out.  Can we put the same artifact in multiple standard folders? Sure. Go for it.  Do we need to fill in previous years, make a portfolio set up for 9th and 10th grade? For the class of 2010 and 2011, yes. For the class of 2009, it would be a good idea; try to make your best guesses.

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