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Government of Nepal Ministry of Education National Center for Educational Development.

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1 Government of Nepal Ministry of Education National Center for Educational Development

2 ICT in Education UNESCO Bangkok Developing Competency Standards (2): Profiling Standards Jonghwi Park Programme Specialist ICT in Education, UNESCO Bangkok Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education

3 Click to edit Master title style Step 1: Reflecting Education Goals (Worksheet A) Step 2: Identify domains/areas (Worksheet B) Step 3: Set the standards for each domain (Worksheet C) Step 4: Draft competency performance indicators (Worksheet D) Step 5: Draft a full development plan (Worksheet E) Overview

4 Click to edit Master title style By the end of this module, TFT will be able to -Understand the definition of the competency standards -State standards (competency statement) for at least two selected domains Objectives

5 Competency standards

6 Click to edit Master title style Combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes that an individual uses at work, school or other environments What are the competency standards?

7 Click to edit Master title style Domain, Standards and Indicators Domain CS-1 PI-1-1PI-1-2 CS-2 PI-2-1 Key areas of competency. Should address all aspects of teachers’ work. A unit of competency. Basic outline of the knowledge and skills required in the given area. Specific knowledge, skills and attitude that a teacher should be able to demonstrate. Stated in observable terms.

8 Click to edit Master title style Example from ICT CFT (1)

9 Click to edit Master title style Example from ICT CFT (2)

10 Click to edit Master title style 4 domains, 15 standards ISST in Korea (2002) DomainStandards Information gathering Identify location, access, and read information, Gather and evaluate information, Store and Manage information Information analysis and processing Produce, edit, and word-process materials, Process and analyze spreadsheet materials, Produce and edit multimedia materials, Produce and edit presentation materials, Use and manage the NEIS system Information transfer and exchange Present and transfer information, Communication and exchange Information ethics and security Understanding the information society, Prevent distribution of harmful materials, Protect intellectual property, Manage personal information, Keep netiquette

11 Click to edit Master title style Australia Case Career Stage Focus Area 2.6: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Focus Area 3.4: Select and use resources Focus Area 4.5: Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically Graduate Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students. Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning. Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. Proficient Use effective teaching strategies to integrate ICT into learning and teaching programs to make selected content relevant and meaningful. Select and/or create and use a range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning. Incorporate strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. Highly Accomplished Model high-level teaching knowledge and skills and work with colleagues to use current ICT to improve their teaching practice and make content relevant and meaningful. Assist colleagues to create, select and use a wide range of resources, including ICT, to engage students in their learning. Model, and support colleagues to develop, strategies to promote the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching. Lead Lead and support colleagues within the school to select and use ICT with effective teaching strategies to expand learning opportunities and content knowledge for all students. Model exemplary skills and lead colleagues in selecting, creating and evaluating resources, including ICT, for application by teachers within or beyond the school Review or implement new policies and strategies to ensure the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching.

12 Click to edit Master title style Examples from ISTE DomainCompetency Standards Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessment Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessment incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS·S. Model Digital Age Work and Learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.

13 Click to edit Master title style SMART in Korea (2014)

14 Click to edit Master title style DomainsStandards Technology Demonstrate knowledge and skills in basic computer operation and other information devices including basic troubleshooting and maintenance. Use appropriate office and teaching productivity tools. Understand and effectively use the Internet and network applications and resources. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in information and data manage Social and Ethical Understand and observe legal practices in the use of technology. Recognize and practice ethical use of technology in both personal and professional levels. Plan, model and promote a safe and sound technology-supported learning environment. Facilitate equitable access to technology that addresses learning, social and cultural diversity. Pedagogical Apply technology to develop students’ higher order thinking skills and creativity Provide performance tasks that require students to locate and analyze information and to use a variety of media to clearly communicate results Conduct open and flexible learning environments where technology is used to support a variety of interactions among students, cooperative learning and peer instruction. +++ Professional Proactively engage in exploring and learning new and emerging technologies. +++ NICS Philippines

15 Click to edit Master title style Group work: Set the standards for each domain (Worksheet C) Step 1: Go back to your Worksheet B and select at least 2 domains. Step 2: State standards for each domain. What would you see if you went into the classroom of a good teacher who is using ICT in his/her practice? – Knowledge, skills and attitude (standards can be multiple in one domain) Domains (from Worksheet B) Standards (examples below) Training needs to address (from Worksheet A) Pre-service graduates Proficient teachers Highly accomplish ed teachers Lead teachers Curriculum & Assessment Using ICT tools for course design and lesson planning Using ICT tools to support student understanding of subject matters and their applications Using ICT tools to design teaching and learning activities Using ICT for formative & summative assessment and to provide students with feedback on progress Using ICT communication and collaboration tools to access and source info and to connect students to the world outside the classroom using ICT to address special needs Do not write

16 Click to edit Master title style THANK YOU. Jonghwi Park ( ICT in Education, UNESCO BANGKOK (

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