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Science Notebook 15-16. Safety page 1 WordMeaning HazardA possible source of danger. PrecautionAn action taken before to guard against possible danger.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Notebook 15-16. Safety page 1 WordMeaning HazardA possible source of danger. PrecautionAn action taken before to guard against possible danger."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Notebook 15-16

2 Safety page 1 WordMeaning HazardA possible source of danger. PrecautionAn action taken before to guard against possible danger. Safety equipmentMaterials such as goggles, gloves, or protective clothing to keep us safe.

3 Lab Safety Rules (5.1A, 5.4B) back of page 1 page 1

4 Lab Safety Challenge page 2 Sponge Bob activity sheet.

5 Science Equipment/Tools page 3

6 WordMeaning Picture CompassUsed to find directions RulerUsed for linear (length) measurement of objects-centimeter, millimeter StopwatchUsed to measure time during an investigation Collection netUsed to collect live specimens PipetteUsed to transport a very small amount of liquid Petri dishSmall, round, clear dish used to hold objects

7 Lab Safety Tools page 4 page 4

8 Scientific Method Vocabulary page 5

9 Scientific Method Vocab. Back of 5 WordMeaning InvestigationThe search for an answer to a question. InferenceAn explanation based on what you already know or what you have seen Direct evidenceEvidence that comes from measurements, tests, or observations. Indirect evidenceEvidence based on an inference ProcedureA planned set of steps TrialA repeat of an observation or test to get accurate data.


11 Lab Report Concluding Paragraph Outline The hypothesis was (rejected/accepted) The hypothesis stated (rewrite your hypothesis). The investigation was conducted by (tell what you did). The result of the investigation showed (what were the results).

12 Lab: Airplane Noses page 7 Pointed or Blunt? Problem: Which paper airplane will fly the furthest, a pointed nose or a blunt nose? Hypothesis: If a real plane has a pointed nose to cut through the air, then a pointed nose paper plane should cut through the air too, and go further. Materials: 2 pieces of printer paper 2 pieces of tape Science NB pencil Procedures: 1. Fold 1 piece of paper into a plane with a pointed nose and tape it. 2. Fold another piece of paper into a plane with a blunt nose and tape it. 3. Throw each plane and record which plane went further. 4. Repeat step 3, two more times. 5. Record data. Data: Pointed or Blunt? X = further Conclusion: The hypothesis was rejected/accepted. The hypothesis stated that, if a plane has a pointed nose to cut through the air, then a pointed nose to cut through the air, then a pointed paper plane should cut through the air too, and go further. Two paper planes were made and thrown 3 times with the furthest one getting recorded each time. During the trials, the blunt/pointed went further. Trial 1Trial 2Trial 3 Pointed nose Blunt nose

13 Thermometer: reading page 8 Celsius is our temperature measurement. Figure out how the numbers are being counted on the thermometer. Find the highest point of the blue, look across at the number, and that is the temperature.

14 Triple Beam Balance: reading the grams back p.8 90 +100 + 0 = 190 grams 30 + 0 + 7 = 37 grams 0 + 100 + 6 = 106 grams Add each beam’s numbers together and get the total mass in grams. (We are rounding the lower beam to the nearest whole number.)

15 Matter Vocabulary page 9

16 SolidLiquidGas Has a definite shape and a definite volume. The particles are packed tightly together. Each particle stays in the same place and vibrates. Has a definite volume, but NOT a definite shape-it takes the shape of its container. The particles are not tightly packed like a solid-they move more freely, but stay together. Has NO definite shape or volume. It also takes up space in a container. The particles are packed loosely together and are totally free to move around, quickly. SoldiersHippiesCrazies Desk, chair, board, appleSyrup, juice, waterHelium, smoke, steam solid,liquid,gas Back of page 9

17 Matter Classification page 10 Properties of Matter video and quiz Solid, Liquid, Gas video and quiz

18 Classifying Matter Lab page 11 Golf Ball Ping Pong Ball Mass = gramsConductivity Yes or No Mass = gramsConductivity Yes or No Physical state: solid, liquid, gas Solubility Yes or No Physical state: solid, liquid, gas Solubility Yes or No MagneticRelative Density Sink or Float MagneticRelative Density Sink or Float

19 Volume The amount of space an object takes up Density The amount of mass in the known volume of an object Less dense = float in water More dense = sink in water Similar density = floats in the middle Page 12

20 Density Lab page back of 12 Density Lab sheet completed and glued here.

21 Virtual Lab: Liquid Density page 13 Density video Draw picture for reference. The least dense liquid will be at the top. Ex. Vegetable oil – see picture The most dense liquid will be at the bottom. Ex. Honey – see picture

22 Page 14

23 Properties of Water: Vocab. Page 15

24 Properties of Water page 16

25 Mixtures and Solution back of 16

26 Mixtures and Solutions Lab page 17 Mixtures A combination of 2 or more substances Easily separated All substances keep (maintain) their physical properties Solutions A combination of 2 or more substances combined evenly NOT easily separated (heat is required for separation)

27 Adaptations page 18 Structure: a body part; an organization of tissue on an organism. Function: The way something works or what it can do

28 Adaptations back of 18 WordMeaning NicheThe role an organism plays in its ecosystem. MigrationThe seasonal movement of animals from one place to another. HibernationA process by which an organism slows its life functions for an extended period of time to preserve energy or resist harsh conditions. PredatorAn organism that hunts and feeds on another organism. PreyAn animal that is hunted as food.

29 Adaptations page 19 Structural: body part, physical feature, how they look Behavioral: instinct, act, what they do Instincts: salmon swim upstream Hibernation Migration pattern/route Bird flight: humming bird hoover or duck soaring Hunting style: as a pack, alone or day/night Mimicry: changing clothes Ways of communication Camouflage: changing clothes Bird beak or teeth shape Zebra stripes, skin color, body coverings Claws, talons Elephant trunk, camel hump, gills Lungs, wings Mimicry Legs, feet (webbed, hooves, paws) Tail shape (beaver, shark) Eyes, camouflage Horns, antlers

30 Adaptations: Foldable Notes back of 19

31 Adaptations: Foldable Notes Page 20

32 Plant Adaptations Art back of 20 See NB

33 Inherited Traits/Learned Behaviors: page 21 back of 46

34 Inherited Traits/Learned Behaviors back 21 page 46 Heredity video

35 Metamorphosis vocab. 22

36 Metamorphosis Notes 23 (review notes done in class.)

37 Complete Metamorphosis p. 24

38 Incomplete Metamorphosis back 24

39 Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle 25

40 Carbon dioxide-Oxygen Cycle back 25 oxygen Carbon dioxide

41 Photosynthesis p. 26

42 Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle back of 26 p 49

43 Interdependency p 27

44 Carbon Dioxide-Oxygen Cycle back 27 WordMeaning EcosystemAll of the living and non-living things and all of their interactions in an area. LivingCharacterized by having a metabolism and the ability to maintain life processes. Non-livingA part of the ecosystem that is not living such as sunlight, air, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, soil, and rocks. OrganismA single, self-contained living thing. SymbioticA long term relationship between two different kinds of organisms where one or both receive benefit.

45 Interdependency p.28

46 Interdependency Back of 28

47 Food Chain/Food Web vocab

48 Food Chain/Food Web



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