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Your tables are your teams. Place each question under the correct learning target. Work together to get the most points. This is a fun way to study for.

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Presentation on theme: "Your tables are your teams. Place each question under the correct learning target. Work together to get the most points. This is a fun way to study for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your tables are your teams. Place each question under the correct learning target. Work together to get the most points. This is a fun way to study for our assessment next class. Study Guide Game

2 Question 1: LT 3 A behavioral adaptation would be which of the following? 1. A dog hair stands up when feeling threatened 2. migrate 3. collecting food for the winter 4. both b and c

3 Question 2: LT 5 A random change in a sequence of DNA is called a _______ 1. Mutation 2. Variation 3. Adaptation 4. Gene

4 Question 3: LT 3 A shark’s sharp teeth would be a(n) _______________. 1. structural adaptation 2. instinct 3. behavior adaptation 4. Hibernation

5 QUESTION 4: LT 4 When Bears prey on a fish, some fish are killed and some escape. Which part of Darwin’s concept of natural selection might be used to describe this situation? 1. Genetic Mutation 2. descent with modification 3. reproductive isolation 4. survival of the fittest

6 QUESTION 5: LT 4 Birds eat high percentages of light colored beetles in forests with dark colored leaves. Dark colored beetles are, therefore, better adapted to survive and reproduce. This is an example 1. Fitness 2. Evolution 3. Mutations 4. Selective breeding

7 Question 6: LT 1 Which of the following is an example of resources animals compete for? 1. Food 2. Finding a mate 3. Water 4. Shelter 5. All the Above 6. Only A and B

8 Question 7: LT 3 Which of the following would be a reason animals migrate? 1. warmer temperature 2. better sources of food 3. safe place to raise their young 4. all of the above

9 Question 8: LT 3 The bright colors of a male cardinal are a structural adaptation. Which of the following would be the best reason a male cardinal has bright colors? 1. to scare predators 2. to attract a female mate 3. to attract predators 4. to hide in the trees

10 Question 9: LT 3 Which of the following is not a type of adaptation? 1. structural 2. behavioral 3. physiological 4. astrological

11 Question 10: LT 1 Which is not one of the Natural Selection Premises? 1. Variation 2. Fitness 3. Genetic Basis 4. Mutation 5. Adaptation

12 Question 11: LT 3 Dogs bark at strangers to protect themselves and their pack. What kind of adaptation is barking? 1. Structural 2. Behavioral 3. Physiological 4. hibernation

13 Question 12: LT 5 Define "mutation" and give examples of the 2 factors that might cause a mutation.

14 Question 13: LT 5 Which of the following can a mutation cause? 1. Change in physical characteristic 2. Change in an organisms behavior 3. A change in the physiology of the animal 4. All of the above

15 Question 14: LT 5 Variation in a species is caused by what two things? 1. Sexual Reproduction and Mutation 2. Asexual Reproduction and Adaptation 3. Asexual Reproduction and Mutations 4. Sexual Reproduction and Adaptations

16 Question 15: LT 5 Mutations have what type of affects on organisms? 1. Harmful 2. Beneficial 3. No Affects 4. All the above

17 Question 16: LT 1 What factors must exist for organisms to engage in a struggle for existence (competition)? 1. overpopulation 2. Low supply of resources 3. Unlimited supply of resources 4. All of the above 5. A or B only

18 Question 17: LT 5 Which of these could not occur if variation did not exist? 1. resources 2. evolution 3. DNA 4. all of these

19 Question 18: LT 3 Any useful trait that increases an organism’s chance of survival is a(an) 1. Trait 2. fitness 3. adaptation 4. variation

20 Question 19: LT 3 What type of adaptation is Venom in a snake? 1. Behavioral 2. Structural 3. Physiological 4. Adaptation

21 Question 20: LT 6 What is the number of dark mice at year 2002?

22 Question 21: LT 6 Compare the two graphs. What is the likely environment for both graphs?

23 Bonus Round LT 1-6 You can bet as many points as you want, double up or lose them all!!! Your team should agree with the number of points you will bet. Could organisms of a species look different today than individuals of the same species did many generations ago? Explain your answer. *Use some of the following vocabulary and examples from our activities during the unit: Survival of the fittest, natural selection, mutation, variation, and adaptation.*

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