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Chapter 10 World War I ■#1 Outbreak of World War I.

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2 Chapter 10 World War I ■#1 Outbreak of World War I


4 By the 20 th century, European powers built up their militaries to compete for control in Europe and Africa. Britain, France, Germany developed modern armies & navies, leading to an arms race in Europe Militarism

5 Germany, Austria- Hungary, & Italy made up the Triple Alliance(Central) Great Britain, France, & Russia made up the Triple Entente (Allies) Alliances & Imperialism Increasing militarism led nations to form powerful alliances in case of war As European nations gained imperial colonies, competition led to rivalries

6 Pre-War Alliance Network

7 Nationalism Feelings of nationalism led strong countries to want to gain more power & led many weaker nations to want to re-define their boundaries Nationalism was strong in the Balkans, where Serbia hoped to unite with Austrian Slavs In 1914, Serbian terrorists assassinated Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

8 The assassination sparked World War I The Western Front was located in France. The Eastern Front: Russia The Allied Powers The Central Powers

9 ?? The Great War quickly became the first “world war”

10 American Neutrality ■When World War I began in 1914, President Woodrow Wilson declared the USA neutral. But by 1917, the USA entered WWI as an Allied Power… WHY?

11 America Enters the War ■Reasons for War: ■German unrestricted submarine warfare: the British ship Lusitania was sunk killing over 200 Americans on board-other ships were sunk, killing several more Americans. –Germany’s Zimmerman Telegram offered to return Mexico its former lands if they invaded the USA-the telegram was discovered by USA intelligence. –President Wilson hoped to stop the Central Powers & make the world “safe for democracy” ■The USA declared war in April 1917.

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