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Suite Rates System Design Specification (SDS) and Planning Document.

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Presentation on theme: "Suite Rates System Design Specification (SDS) and Planning Document."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suite Rates System Design Specification (SDS) and Planning Document

2 Review: Motivation  ask for a rent check from roommates  keep track of monthly expenses  remind you and your roommates when the bills are due

3 Main Features  Web-based  Separate accounts to track users  Transaction between users  Verification process (security reason)  Email reminder  Calendar view  Message broad  Technical support

4 UI Prototype

5 Design & System Architecture

6 Database Schema



9 Tools that will be used…  Ruby on Rails  MySQL  AJAX

10 Team Structure  Project Manager Tim Wong  Database Architect Sung-tat Kwok  UI Architect Brian Stone, Vadim Tkachev  Graphics Designer Chris To  Lead Tester Sung-tat Kwok  Lead Developer Giles Westerfield

11 Project Schedule  Alpha Release (internal) - May 5  Beta Release (external) - May 10  Gamma Release (internal) - May 20-22  Final Release (external) - May 30

12 Risk Assessment  No experience with Ruby on Rails  Unexpected Scheduling conflicts  Insufficient design and planning  Being overambitious  Neglecting importance of our customer

13 Testing Methodology  Unit testing Ruby Unit Testing Framework WATIR  Integration testing Smoke test Loading samples data into DB  Usability test ask ‘users’ to experience feedback  Bug tracking Using BugZilla management software

14 Documentation  Administrator Guide Installation instructions Maintenance instructions functionality guide  User Guide Comprehensive user guide  Help Pages FAQ Hear customers’ feedback  Additional Documentation Quick and Dirty Guide Wiki page on CSE 403

15 Thanks!!!  Questions?

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