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1.) Thinking/Analyzing: Write down what you are being asked to find or solve for; the question is a clue. If stuck, make a list of what you do know. Drawing.

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Presentation on theme: "1.) Thinking/Analyzing: Write down what you are being asked to find or solve for; the question is a clue. If stuck, make a list of what you do know. Drawing."— Presentation transcript:

1 1.) Thinking/Analyzing: Write down what you are being asked to find or solve for; the question is a clue. If stuck, make a list of what you do know. Drawing a picture often helps clarify. 2.) Define the variable. 3.) Write the equation. 4.) Solve the equation. 5.) Check your work by substituting the solution for the variable back in the equation. 6.) Answer the question(s) asked with a sentence. * TAKE NOTES in MSG* x = # of shirts c = cost of a sweater WORD PROBLEM STEPS

2 Insert Lesson Title Here Three friends each pay $4.15 to buy a pizza. A basic pizza costs $9.45. Additional toppings cost $1 each. How many toppings were on the pizza? Let n = the number of toppings 9.45 + 1(n) = 3(4.15) -9.45 n = 3.00 There were 3 toppings on the pizza. Course 2 Check: 9.45 + 1(3) = 12.45 9.45 + 1(n) = 12.45

3 Jamie rented a canoe while she was on vacation. She paid a flat rental fee of $85.00, plus $7.50 each day. Her total cost was $130.00. For how many days did she rent the canoe? Let d = # of days she rented canoe 7.5d + 85 = 130 – 85 –85 7.5d = 45 7.5 d = 6 Jamie rented the canoe for 6 days. Subtract 85 from both sides. Divide both sides by 7.5. Course Solving Two-Step Equations Check: 7.5 ●6 + 85 = 130

4 Insert Lesson Title Here Two years (or 24 months) of local internet service costs $685, including the installation fee of $85. What is the monthly fee? Define the variable, and write and solve an equation. 2 years = 24 months 85 + 24m = 685 -85 24m = 600 24 m = 25 The monthly fee is $25. Course 2 Check: 85 + 24(25)= 685 Let m = the monthly fee

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