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The Future of Barnet’s Allotments Workshop One. Agenda  Welcome  Overview of current allotment management  Introduction to the council’s proposal 

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Presentation on theme: "The Future of Barnet’s Allotments Workshop One. Agenda  Welcome  Overview of current allotment management  Introduction to the council’s proposal "— Presentation transcript:

1 The Future of Barnet’s Allotments Workshop One

2 Agenda  Welcome  Overview of current allotment management  Introduction to the council’s proposal  Key principles and legislation  Discussion groups  Group feedback  Next steps

3 Current Allotment Management (1/2)  There are three types of allotment management models that exist in Barnet:  Direct Let - 14 sites  Self Collect - 13 sites  Leased - 18 sites (15 societies)  Over 4,500 plot holders

4 Current Allotment Management (2/2)  Projected Allotment Budget 2010/11 Income£95,000 (All LBB £140,000) Expenditure£90,000 Services£27,500 Skips, etc£13,500 Repairs£26,000 Improvements£23,000 Net surplus£5,000

5 Council’s Allotment Proposal (1/3)  Cabinet on 29 November 2010 decided:  To explore, develop and implement a Big Society management model for the borough’s allotment sites:-  “Allotments are to be managed by their users in order to devolve as much management responsibilities as possible”  Applications to changes in policy are sought to facilitate this move  An increase in allotment fees for 2012/13 to recover the shortfall in costs and facilitate this move

6 Council’s Allotment Proposal (2/3) The proposal is:  To develop a model that will facilitate this change  The model/s is to be developed in conjunction with plot holders to enable the development of a workable model  Meets the needs of the council and plot holders  Blank sheet of paper excepting rules and regulations

7  Target for all allotment sites to the new model before 1 April 2012  Differing models and levels of responsibility in place  Different sites will be able to move to a greater model of devolvement at different times  Transitional budget issues  Allotment rents to increase as at 1 April 2012 Council’s Allotment Proposal (3/3)

8 Key Principles and Legislation  Leases - no leases can be issued or renewed  Section 3 of the Small Holdings Allotments Act 1926 - repealed  Leases can be varied in terms of responsibilities  Management agreement/license  Agreement with identified individuals setting out responsibilities  Allotment manager/s  Must be local residents liable to pay council tax  Can be given the council’s powers  Application to central government for a change to legislation

9 Discussion Groups (1/2)  Two main topics: Maintenance & Improvements  Operational service costs  Maintenance  Improvement Management  Improvements  Governance  Administration  Rents  Rules

10 Discussion Groups (2/2)  Establish key principles/requirements  Opportunities to improve/reduce costs  Remove red tape  Accountability  Regulation/consistency  One for all or all for their own  Meeting needs and demands  Risks

11 Group feedback

12 Next Steps  Develop outline model/s to put forward  Further sessions on identifying and developing the details of a model/s  What is the best format to take this forward in order to implement before 1 April 2012?

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