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Green tax - Hadley cell.  A tax placed on environmentally harmful activities or emissions  Application  Pollution and gas emissions.

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Presentation on theme: "Green tax - Hadley cell.  A tax placed on environmentally harmful activities or emissions  Application  Pollution and gas emissions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Green tax - Hadley cell

2  A tax placed on environmentally harmful activities or emissions  Application  Pollution and gas emissions

3  A gas in Earth’s atmosphere that traps heat near the surface  Application  Pollution and gas emissions

4  An estimate of how much a molecule of any compound can contribute to global warming over a period of 100 years relative to a molecule of CO2  Application  Gas emissions and pollution

5  The measure of the value of all products and services produced in a country in a year.  Application  Economy in developing and developed countries

6  The total amount of solar energy that producers in an ecosystem capture via photosynthesis over a given amount of time  Application  Alternate energy source

7  A technology that transfers heat from the ground to a building  Application  Alternate energy source

8  A process by which water percolates through the soil and works its way into an aquifer  Application  Water sources and water pollution

9  The number of offspring an indicidual can produce in a given time period, minus the death of the individual or any of its offspring during the same period  Application  Ecosystem sustainability

10  A large-scale pattern of water circulation that moves clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the southern Hemisphere  Application  Ocean currents

11  A convection current in the atmosphere that that cycles between the equator and 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S.  Application  Weather patterns

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