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1. _______ President Thomas Jefferson made this agreement, which greatly increased the size of the United States.

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Presentation on theme: "1. _______ President Thomas Jefferson made this agreement, which greatly increased the size of the United States."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. _______ President Thomas Jefferson made this agreement, which greatly increased the size of the United States.

2 Louisiana Purchase

3 _______ Which of the following forced Native Americans to move west of the Mississippi River?

4 Indian Removal Act

5 How were Native Americans affected by the growth of the United States?

6 They were pushed off their land.

7 _______ Which leader below was the first governor of the state of Tennessee?

8 John Sevier

9 How did railroads improve life for people in the United States?

10 They made it easier to travel and ship goods.

11 What invention led to an increase in the number of slaves who worked on plantations?

12 Cotton gin

13 _______ In 1791, which of the following became the first state west of the Appalachians?

14 Kentucky

15 What trail began in Independence, Missouri?


17 _______ On April 30, 1803,the $15 million deal between the U.S. and Napoleon Bonaparte, the leader of France was made final. This deal was known as the _____________.

18 Louisiana Purchase

19 Who created the “Star- Spangled Banner”?

20 Francis Scott Key

21 Who invented the Cotton Gin?

22 Eli Whitney

23 Pike’s Peak is named after this man.

24 Captain Zebulon Pike

25 This was the third President. He sent Lewis and Clark on the expedition.

26 Thomas Jefferson

27 He widened the Cumberland Gap.

28 Davy Crockett

29 Who was the Native American who served as a guide to Lewis and Clark?

30 Sacagawea

31 Lewis and Clark’s crew was named__________.

32 Corps of Discovery

33 True or False

34 The reason why France sold the Louisiana Territory was they needed money to prepare for a war with Britain.

35 True

36 France burned the White House and Washington D.C. during the War of 1812.

37 False Britain

38 Dolley Madison saved important documents from the burning White House.

39 true

40 The British navy forced American sailors to work on British ships. This action, called _____________ angered many Americans.

41 impressment

42 After the War of 1812 ended, many Americans felt a sense of ____________________, or pride in one’s country.

43 nationalism

44 __________ is a low place between mountains.

45 gap

46 One of the best-known _______________ to cross the Appalachians was Daniel Boone.

47 pioneers

48 Unlike most other tribes, the Cherokee ____________ to, or adopted, the ways of life of white settlers.

49 assimilated

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