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2G Instrumentation Pipelines Sandra Castro. 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 2 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 1. Product FITS header 2. QC parameters (PAF.

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Presentation on theme: "2G Instrumentation Pipelines Sandra Castro. 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 2 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 1. Product FITS header 2. QC parameters (PAF."— Presentation transcript:

1 2G Instrumentation Pipelines Sandra Castro

2 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 2 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 1. Product FITS header 2. QC parameters (PAF file) 3. Naming products 4. Saving products

3 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 3 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 1 All product files created by the pipeline must be in FITS format

4 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 4 19 April 2007 Product FITS header empty or raw header QCs DRS keys setup header product header product header creating a

5 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 5 19 April 2007 Setup Header cpl_error_code cpl_dfs_setup_product_header( cpl_propertylist * header, const cpl_frame * proframe, const cpl_frameset * set, const cpl_parameterlist * pars, const char * recid const char * pipeid const char * dicid ) recid  ocam_mbias pipeid  PACKAGE/PACKAGE_VERSION dicid  PRO-1.15

6 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 6 19 April 2007 Setup Header Copy to header: ORIGIN, TELESCOPE, INSTRUME, OBJECT, RA, DEC, EPOCH, EQUINOX, RADECSYS, DATE-OBS, MJD-OBS, UTC, LST, PI-COI, OBSERVER. Copy all the HIERARCH.ESO._ keywords, with the exception of the HIERARCH.ESO.DPR._, and of the.PRO._ and.DRS._ keywords. If found, remove the HIERARCH.ESO.DPR._ keywords from header. If found, remove the ARCFILE and ORIGFILE keywords from header. Add to header the PRO keywords: PIPEFILE, PRO.DID, PRO.REC1.ID, PRO.REC1.DRS.ID, PRO.REC1.PIPE.ID, PRO.DATANCOM, PRO.CATG, and PRO.TYPE. ESO-VLT-DIC.PRO

7 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 7 19 April 2007 Multi-HDU Headers PRO CATG Common keywords to all extensions Keywords for extension 1 INSTRUME PIPEFILE HIERARCH ESO PRO CATG EXTNAME = ‘DET1.CHIP1’ All other HIERARCH ESO PRO HIERARCH ESO QC EXTNAME = ‘DET1.CHIP2’ All other HIERARCH ESO PRO HIERARCH ESO QC Keywords for extension 2

8 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 8 19 April 2007 Multi-HDU Headers cpl_dfs_setup_product_header(Plist, proframe, set, pars, recid, pipeid, dicid); /* Plist is my primary header */ cpl_propertylist_erase_regex(Plist, “ESO PRO”, 0); cpl_image_save(NULL, name, bitpix, Plist, CPL_IO_DEFAULT); cpl_dfs_setup_product_header(Xlist, proframe, set, pars, recid, pipeid, dicid); /* Remove undesired keywords */ /* Xlist is my extension header */ /* Remove undesired keywords */ const char delkeys[] = “^(ORIGIN|TELESCOPE|INSTRUME|OBJECT|RA|DEC|EPOCH| PIPEFILE|EQUINOX|RADECSYS|DATE-OBS|MJD-OBS|UTC|LST|PICOI|OBSERVER)$”; cpl_propertylist_erase_regex (Xlist, delkeys, 0); /* Save product */ cpl_image_save(image, name, bitpix, Xlist, CPL_IO_EXTEND); /* Add PRO.CATG to primary header */ cpl_propertylist_copy_property (Plist, Xlist, “ESO PRO CATG”);

9 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 9 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 2 All QC parameters must be also saved on disk on a log file. One file per FITS extension PAF

10 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 10 19 April 2007 QC parameters – PAF file PAF.HDR.START; #start of header PAF.TYPE“pipeline product” PAF.ID“ocam_mbias” PAF.NAME“ocam_masterbias.paf” PAF.DESC“QC file” PAF.CHCK.CHECKSUM“” PAF.HDR.END; #end of header ARCFILE“OCAM_IMG_BIAS076_0003.fits” EXTNAME“DET1.CHIP1”; #extension name DATE-OBS“2005-03-17T12:16:44:632”; #Date TPL.ID“OCAM_img_cal_bias”; # Template id MJD-OBS“53446.5”; # Obs start QC.MBIAS.MEAN120.2234 QC.MBIAS.STDEV15.23445

11 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 11 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 3 All output FITS files must be named in a unique and predictable way by the recipe

12 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 12 19 April 2007 Naming Products ocam_reduce_sci TEXT no matter what input files no matter what input parameters predictable OCAM_IMG_OBS076_0001.fits OCAM_IMG_OBS076_0002.fits OCAM_IMG_OBS076_0003.fits ocam_JITTERED_IMAGE_1.fits ocam_JITTERED_IMAGE_2.fits ocam_JITTERED_IMAGE_3.fits ocam_COADD.fits

13 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 13 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 4 All product files must be saved on the working directory

14 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 14 19 April 2007 Good news! CPL function to save PAF filesCPL function to save products Planned for CPL-4.0

15 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 15 19 April 2007 Pipeline Products 1. Products must be FITS files 2. QCs are written on headers and PAF files 3. Names must be unique and predictable 4. Products are saved on the working directory

16 Sandra Castro 2G Instrumentation Pipelines 16 19 April 2007

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