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The Irfu Micromegas telescope

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1 The Irfu Micromegas telescope
& muon activities 21/12/2015 Sébastien Procureur CEA-Saclay

2 content Origin of muon activities at Irfu and detector evolution
Muographies with absorption with Micromegas Other applications of muons under investigation Perspectives

3 Origin of muon activities at Irfu
Instrumentation for fundamental physics… → a home made detector: the Micromegas (Giomataris et al., 1996) → several patents, last in 2012 New applications are emerging → More than 10 years of R&D, initiated for the needs of particle and nuclear physics Nucleon structure (Compass, Clas12, EIC) Exotic nuclei (MINOS) + particle physics (LHC/ATLAS) + anti-matter (ASACUSA) + dark matter (CAST) + neutrinos (T2K) + astrophysics (HARPO) + …

4 Micromegas and multiplexing
Micromegas (MPGD) : very precise detectors… but many electronic channels → cost → consumption → transportability An innovative multiplexing pattern was developed at Irfu to reduce the electronics « genetic multiplexing » (S. Procureur, R. Dupré, S. Aune, 2012) 1 2 → ~ 15 times less electronics n=61 with 1024 strips 50 cm → >95% efficiency in 2D!

5 Muographies with absorption
Historically the first applications of muons Thickness of a mountain: George (1955) Hidden chambers in Khephren pyramid: Alvarez (1970) Volcanology: Nagamine (1995), Tanaka (2001), Diaphane collaboration (2008) MPGDs offers the possibility of highly performant telescopes → excellent spatial resolution Tanaka et al. Lesparre et al. Image quality Compact Large acceptance (including open sky) → combined with multiplexing Low consumption Much cheaper Easy to transport → cylindrical geometry New applications (boreholes, mining)

6 Muographies with absorption
1st Micromegas telescope… also benefitting from Irfu elec. development 30 W of consumption Self triggering elec. (CLAS12) 3.5 months experiment Tested with solar boards

7 Muographies with absorption
1st Micromegas telescope… and validation of its performance → static Image of scintillator telescope with same lever arm → dynamic Direct normalization with simultaneous open sky measurement Online feedback of T (P) on the HV

8 Muographies with absorption
A long list of potential applications… → Arche (Greece) ? HIP Institute → Scan Pyramid (Egypt) → Soil inspection → Civil engineering Contacted by RATP to probe Paris underground → Others Contacted by IAEA for catalyst monitoring

9 Tomography with deviation
Muon imager for homeland security (470 k€ grant from ) Smaller setup for scientific communication: TomoMu Interactive Designed to provide a reconstruction of a pattern within 20’ (simulations) 2’ 10’ 30’ Applications for imaging with longer acquisition times Not neutrons, not X-rays… just free muons, with a transportable setup « Muona Lisa »

10 Muon metrology New class of applications
Use the straight (on average!) propagation of muons for positioning Already mentioned in the literature, e.g. Zenoni (20014) Can measure building deformations Zenoni Free (≠ laser) Continuous (≠ laser) Autonomous (≠ laser) Work even between obstacles (roof, wall) (≠ laser) Simulation of performance: → Requires spatial resolution < 0.3 mm to provide mm accuracy/day at m distance → 0.5 m of concrete wall marginally degrades the resolution MPGD technology Countless cases of applications

11 → May be deployed in Egypt in 2016 (Scan Pyramids)
perspectives Telescope soon operational again (January) → May be deployed in Egypt in 2016 (Scan Pyramids) → Looking for funds to build a 2nd telescope Discussions with IPN-L for hybrid telescopes (Scintillators + Micromegas) → combined time resolution from Sci and spatial resolution from MM Detectors fabrication (finally) mastered by a PCB company in France → First 2 detectors recently delivered: one fully tested in cosmics, one tested electrically

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