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I want to buy a tpape. It’s twenty-five yuan.

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5 I want to buy a tpape. It’s twenty-five yuan.

6 I want to buy a VCD. It’s fifty-five yuan.

7 I want to buy a walkman. It’s eighty yuan.

8 I want to buy a radio. It’s sixty yuan.

9 I want to buy a recoder. It’s seventy yuan.


11 Can you show me those shorts? They are seventy-nine yuan.

12 Can you show me those swimming trunks? They are ninety yuan.

13 Can you show me those sandals? They are sixty-five yuan.

14 Can you show me those sports shoes? They are one hundred yuan.



17 shorts

18 swimming trunks

19 sandals

20 sports shoes

21 Can you show me those sports shoes? Yes, here you are. How much are they? They are one hundred yuan. a pair of sports shoes

22 a pair of sandals. Can you show me those sandals? Yes, here you are. How much are they? They are sixty-five yuan.

23 much how much ninety hundred How much is it? it’s ninety yuan.


25 40 50 60



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