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1 Circulatory System Function, Components & Parts of the heart.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Circulatory System Function, Components & Parts of the heart."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Circulatory System Function, Components & Parts of the heart

2 2 The circulatory system has 4 principle functions 1) Transportation of oxygen and carbon dioxide (connect to respiratory system) 2) Distribution of nutrients and transport wastes (connect to digestive system) 3) Maintain body temperature (homeostasis) 4) Circulate hormones (endocrine system)

3 3 Circulatory System is also called the CARDIOVASCULAR system Cardio = heart Vascular = vessels or tubes

4 4 The cardiovascular system consists of 3 general components 1) Blood: a fluid that transports nutrients, wastes, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hormones 2) A system of blood vessels that contain the blood 3) The heart: the pump that pushes the fluid through the blood vessels

5 5 Two types of circulatory systems 1) OPEN Circulation –blood flows freely within the body cavity –blood makes direct contact with organs and tissues –insects & crustaceans

6 6 Two types of circulatory systems 1) CLOSED Circulation –blood is contained in vessels and separate from other tissues –keeps blood under pressure –earthworms, octopus & mammals

7 7 The circulatory system is 2 systems in 1 (double circulatory system) Pulmonary circuit: right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs where blood picks up oxygen

8 8 Systemic circuit: the left side of the heart pumps blood to all parts of the body (blood drops off oxygen)

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11 11 The Heart Right VS Left

12 Blood in body Into heart via vena cava (vein) Right atrium(AV valve) Right Ventricle(Pulmonary valve) Pulmonary artery (deoxygenated) Capillaries surrounding alveoli - pick up oxygen Lungs (becomes oxygenated) Pulmonary vein Left atrium (AV valve) Left ventricle (Aortic valve) Arteries (oxygenated towards body tissue) Capillaries - drop off oxygen Blood Flow

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