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Unit 1 My classroom Aa bag dad hand man hat cap map 2.cake face name make take same lake game hate.

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2 Unit 1 My classroom

3 Aa bag dad hand man hat cap map 2.cake face name make take same lake game hate

4 1. wall A. B.

5 2.door A. B.

6 3.light A. B.

7 4.blackboard A. B.

8 A. B.

9 6.teacher’s desk A. B.

10 7. A. teacher’s desk B. picture

11 8. A. classmate B. classroom

12 当当翻译家 1. 打开电灯 2. 清洁桌子 3. 打开门 4. 擦窗子 5. 挂图片 6. 关上门 Turn on the light. Clean the desks. Open the door. Clean the window. Put up the picture. Close the door.

13 It’s clean. ( 干净的)

14 Listen and colour This is my classroom. The door is yellow. The desks are green. The light is yellow. The blackboard is black. The teacher’s desk is red. The chairs are orange. The wall is blue. The window is white,too. The fan is brown.

15 It’s so dirty( 脏的 ). Let me… Help! Let me help you. Let’s clean the classroom. OK!

16 Let me clean the window. Let me clean the blackboard. Let me clean the chairs.

17 Let’s clean the room. 让我们

18 Today is Clean-up Day.( 大扫除 ) Let’s clean the classroom. 看看哪个小朋友最勤劳呢。 用 Let me 来造句吧! Let me clean the blackboard. Let me clean the window. Let me clean the desks and chairs. Let me clean the teacher’s desk. Let me help you. Let me clean the floor.

19 Wow! It’s so clean. Thank you.


21 作业: 1. 作业本 P4(2,3)P5(3),P6(2) 2. 读背课文 P7 对话和 P11 故 事(签字) 3. 复习第一单元,下周二测试。

22 作业: 1. 背诵 P11 故事。(签字) 2. 复习第一单元,读课文与单词五遍,做资 源包游戏练习,下周三测试。

23 wall floor fan light

24 computer picture door

25 blackboard teacher’s desk window

26 Listen and colour This is my classroom. The door is yellow. The desks are green. The light is yellow. The blackboard is black. The teacher’s desk is red. The chairs are orange. The wall is blue. The window is white,too. The fan is brown.

27 当当翻译家 1. 打开电灯 2. 清洁桌子 3. 打开门 4. 擦窗子 5. 挂图片 6. 关上门 Turn on the light. Clean the desks. Open the door. Clean the window. Put on the picture. Close the door.

28 Door, door, open the door Light, light, turn on the light Floor, floor, sweep the floor Window, window, close the window Picture, picture, put up the picture Blackboard, blackboard, clean the blackboard. Let’s do

29 It’s clean. ( 干净的)

30 It’s so dirty( 脏的 ). Let me… Help! Let me help you. Let’s clean … Good idea./OK!

31 in a mess Let’s clean the room. 让我们

32 Let me clean the floor. 让我

33 Let me clean the window. Let me clean the blackboard. Let me clean the chairs.

34 Today is Clean-up Day.( 大扫除 ) Let’s clean the classroom. 看看哪个小朋友最勤劳呢。 用 Let me 来造句吧! Let me clean the blackboard. Let me clean the window. Let me clean the desks and chairs. Let me clean the teacher’s desk. Let me help you. Let me sweep the floor.

35 Wow! It’s so clean. Thank you.

36 Let’s talk

37 :Let’s clean the classroom. :OK! :Let me_____________. :Let me help. :Thank you! Make a dialogue

38 We must keep our classroom clean every day!

39 作业: 1. 作业本 P4 ( 2 , 3 ) P5(3) 2. 读背课文 P7 对话(签字)

40 Tick or cross (判断对错) Miss Lin’s classroom Hello, welcome to my classroom. The wall is pink, the floor is blue. The door is brown, I have a black computer. It’s on the teacher’s desk. I have two lights, eight desks and eight chairs. What a nice and clean classroom! 1.The wall is white.( ) 2.The computer is black.( ) 3.I have seven desks.( ) 4.The classroom is nice and clean.( ) √ × × √ 1. 2. 3. 4. pink eight

41 Design your ideal classroom please. My classroom Hello! My name is______.This is my classroom. It’s _____(big/small). We have _____(6/8/…) lights. We have a computer. It’s on the teacher’s desk. The window is____ (white / green /…). It’s very nice and clean. My picture is near the______ (door / window/…). I like my classroom. So we must keep our classroom clean every day. (设计你理想的教室)

42 Homework: 1 、 Take a photo of your own classroom. Then introduce it to your parents.( 拍一张关于教室的照 片,向爸爸妈妈介绍你的教室 ) 2 、 Clean your room after school.( 回家后打扫一下自己的房间 )

43 Thank you!

44 It’s dirty( 脏的 ). Look! The classroom is dirty. Let’s clean the classroom. The board is dirty.Let me clean the board. The ______ is dirty. Let me _______.... Let’s/Let me…

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