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Main concept of the Models

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1 Does Von Thunen Theory or Sinclair Theory explain the agricultural pattern in Pak Kong ?

2 Main concept of the Models
Von Thunen Theory ~ stress the distance from the market & the transport cost Near to the market (transport cost) Far away from the market (transport cost) Near to the market (the intensity) ~ There is a negative relationship between the distance from the market & the intensity

3 Von Thunen Model Intensity Distance from the mkt.

4 Sinclair Model Competition between urban land use &farming land use
Value of agricultural land use Location rent of urban & agricultural use Distance increase relationship ~Production intensity increase with increasing distance from the market(urban city)

5 Sinclair Model Value of agricultural Land Use P Q
Q Distance from the mkt. Expanding city

6 Map of Pak Kong Flowers Others (abandoned car park) Key: Residential
Abandoned fields


8 Market Gardening

9 Abandoned land

10 Residential

11 After integrated area A,B,C We have the following conclusion
Sinclair Theory In Pak Kong ,there are lots of abandoned land ~ Urban encroachment ~ The farmers are waiting for the gov’t/private developers to buy the lan

12 Pak Kong is not a static single market
~ The crop is for serving all area in HK ~e.g. there is market gardening for serving banks and hotel in Area A Many abandoned farmland are near the main road & some are using for farming are not nearby it ~ The reduce of relationship between transport cost and the profit Some farmland are changed into residential or industrial land use ~ vacant land ~ commuter ~ urban encroachment

13 Von Thunen Sai Kung can be separated into the area of ring 1 when the urban area is the market Most farming activities in Pak Kong is market gardening The distance from the market also affect the transport cost

14 The two models are ignored the perceptions of the farmers so that they are partly suitable for explaining the land use pattern of Pak Kong.

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