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Introduction to UML Todd Bacastow Rational Unified Process A process for the effective implementation of key “Best Practices” Control Changes Manage.

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2 Introduction to UML Todd Bacastow

3 Rational Unified Process A process for the effective implementation of key “Best Practices” Control Changes Manage Requirements Use Component Architectures Develop Iteratively Verify Quality

4 Attack risks through progress measured in products - not documentation Continuous integration Frequent releases Continuous user involvement Attack risks through progress measured in products - not documentation Continuous integration Frequent releases Continuous user involvement Features of the Process

5 RUP is an Iterative Approach Initial Planning Requirements Capture Analysis & Design Implementation Test Deployment Evaluation Management Environment

6 Manage Requirements Elicit, organize, and document required functionality and constraints Track and document tradeoffs and decisions Business requirements are captured and communicated through use cases Use cases are important planning instruments Design Model Implementation Model Test Model verifies realizationinfluenced by Use-Case Model

7 Model Visually Capture the structure and behavior of architectures and components Show how the elements of the system fit together Maintain consistency between a design and its implementation Promote unambiguous communication Code Classes Sub Systems

8 What is the UML? Unified Modeling Language It is a modeling language, not a process In 1996, work on the UML was begun by Rational.

9 UML Diagrams 1.Class (and Object) Diagrams 2.Use Case Diagrams 3.Collaboration Diagrams 4.Sequence Diagrams 5.Package Diagrams 6.Component Diagrams 7.Deployment Diagrams 8.Activity Diagrams 9.State Diagrams

10 Class Diagrams Offspring of the Entity-Relationship Diagram Are the most fundamental UML Diagram Describe the classes in the system, and the static relationships between classes Class diagrams are used during Analysis, Design and Development

11 UML Class Diagram DVD MovieVHS MovieVideo Game Rental Item Rental Invoice 1..* 1 Customer Checkout Screen 1 0..1 1 1..*

12 UML Class Diagram DVD MovieVHS MovieVideo Game Rental Item {abstract} Rental Invoice 1..* 1 Customer Checkout Screen 0..1 1 Simple Association Class Abstract Class Simple Aggregation Generalization Composition (Dependency) Multiplicity 1..* 1

13 Associations, Aggregations, and Generalizations Association - describe the relationships between classes or objects Aggregation - each invoice is composed of one customer and one or more customers can be part of an invoice Composition – an invoice cannot exist without component rental items Generalization – DVD, VHS, and game are fully consistent with Rentable Item and may be used wherever Rentable Item is allowed

14 Parts of a Class Classes can have four parts –Name –Attributes –Operations –Responsibilities Classes can show visibility and types. All parts but the Name are optional Think of it as a table MyClassName +SomePublicAttribute : SomeType -SomePrivateAttribute : SomeType #SomeProtectedAttribute : SomeType +ClassMethodOne() +ClassMethodTwo() Responsibilities -- can optionally be described here.

15 Object Diagrams An Object is an instance of a class. Object names are underlined. Object diagrams are similar to class diagrams. Many of the same notations are used. Object diagrams capture instances of classes, and allow the dynamic relationships to be shown Think of it as a row in a table ThisOne : MyClassName +SomePublicAttribute : SomeType -SomePrivateAttribute : SomeType #SomeProtectedAttribute : SomeType +ClassMethodOne() +ClassMethodTwo()

16 Class and Object Diagrams 0..1 0..* Customer Rental Item Rents +name:string +id:integer +released:date +id:integer Joe: CustomerCasablanca: Movie +name:Joe Smith +id:1667 +released:1942 +id:22340 Class Diagram Object Diagram Class Name Object Name Attributes Association Name

17 Use Cases Describe interactions between users and computer systems (both called actors). Capture user-visible functions. Achieve discrete measurable goals. Are typically used during Analysis and Design.

18 Use Case Diagram Telephone Customer In-Store Customer Clerk Identify Movie Open Account Return Movie Customer Review Account Status Actor Use Case

19 Use Case Report The Use Case Report provides documentation for the Use Case. A Use Case is not complete without the report. The elements of the Use Case Report are shown on the right. Brief description Precondition Flow of events –Main flow –Subflows –Alternate flows Postcondition Special Requirements Enclosures –Diagrams –Pictures of the UI Brief description Precondition Flow of events –Main flow –Subflows –Alternate flows Postcondition Special Requirements Enclosures –Diagrams –Pictures of the UI

20 UML Diagram Usage

21 Summary UML is a standardized notation that can express information gathered throughout a project’s lifecycle. UML can improve communication between clients and developers. UML can be used as an effective data modeling tool as well as an object modeling tool.

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