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Mary L. Strife, Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, Robin A.M. Hensel 120 th ASEE Annual Conference Atlanta, GA 23-26 June 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary L. Strife, Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, Robin A.M. Hensel 120 th ASEE Annual Conference Atlanta, GA 23-26 June 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mary L. Strife, Marian G. Armour-Gemmen, Robin A.M. Hensel 120 th ASEE Annual Conference Atlanta, GA 23-26 June 2013

2  Began Summer 2011  Continuous part of Engineering 101  Consensus to fit in Living Partnership  Buy-in by administration to ABET outcomes

3  Knowledge of how to evaluate an article  Ability to appropriately cite an article  Familiarity with four source databases for engineering research  Understanding of plagiarism and how to avoid it  Ability to identify four types of intellectual property

4  Focus on Problem-Based (Active) Learning in the construction of all sessions  Three Delivery Environments: ◦ In-Class Session ◦ IP Module on Blackboard ◦ “Out of Class Experience” (OCE)

5  Basic library webpages (including LibGuide)  Exercise about when to quote a source  Information use overview: ◦ Worldwide web resources and Wikipedia ◦ Evaluating resources with a mnemonic device  Class exercise to identify different types of citations as well as parts of a citation  Introduction to Summon (WVU Libraries’ discovery service)

6  Article on eReserve  Introduction to intellectual property  Exercise identifying trademarks  Introduction to patents  Exercise for searching patents  Quiz on intellectual property

7  Length ◦ Initial: One hour sessions ◦ Change: Expanded to 1.5 hours in 2 nd semester  Assignments ◦ Initial: Could complete within two weeks ◦ Change: Needed to be completed in the session  Assignment Worksheet ◦ Initial: Included paper and electronic resources ◦ Change: Included electronic resources only  MLA Citations ◦ Initial: Full citation had to be written out by student ◦ Change: Provided fill-in-the-blank citations

8  1 st semester added many additional sessions because students didn’t sign-up  2 nd semester integrated sign- ups during the in- class session

9 Topics Covered in OCE Each student:  Was provided a different subject to research  Searched for a book, technical report, and journal article  Searched for graph in a specific book Databases used:  MountainLynx (library catalog)  DOE Information Bridge  SAE Digital Library  EI Compendex  Knovel


11 p-value = 0.001


13  Increased cooperation and buy-in by faculty  Librarians integrated as part of the teaching team  Librarians participation as judges of Engineering 101 mini-conference  Significant learning by students over the pre- and post-tests

14  Consistency across sections  Different instructor personalities and teaching styles  Time allocation

15  Plagiarism Avoidance Tutorial wouldn’t work  Lack of participation in the on-line IP Module

16  Out of Class Experience  Retooling for Fall 2013 ◦ Plagiarism Avoidance Tutorial ◦ IP Module  Continued Dialog with Professors

17 Contact Mary Strife Marian Armour-Gemmen Robin Hensel

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