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T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE 25 May 2009 IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Resource Registries Opening Plenary Interoperability.

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Presentation on theme: "T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE 25 May 2009 IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Resource Registries Opening Plenary Interoperability."— Presentation transcript:

1 T HE I NTERNATIONAL V IRTUAL O BSERVATORY ALLIANCE 25 May 2009 IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Resource Registries Opening Plenary Interoperability & Roadmap Planning VODataService & VOStandard Curation Practices and Tools

2 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Registry Sessions Session 1: Monday 16.00 – 17.30 –Registry Interoperability Issues –Standardization Roadmap –Future Directions Session 2: Tuesday 14.00 – 15.00 –VODataService, TAP, and VOSI –VOStandard Session 3: Thursday 11.00 – 12.30 –Curation Practices and Tools

3 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM)‏ VODataServiceVOAppVOStandard Registry Interfaces (RI) (incl. VORegistry, RegistryInterface) SCSSIA SkyNode SSA VOEventStream TAP Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only)‏ Note In Development This that depends on

4 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM)‏ VODataServiceVOAppVOStandard Registry Interfaces (RI) (incl. VORegistry, RegistryInterface) SCSSIA VOEventStream TAP Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only)‏ Note In Development This that depends on SkyNode SSA

5 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM)‏ VODataServiceVOAppVOStandard Registry Interfaces (RI) (incl. VORegistry, RegistryInterface) SCSSIA VOEventStream TAP Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only)‏ Note In Development This that depends on Awaits final TCG and Exec Approval SkyNode SSA

6 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg SkyNode Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM)‏ VODataServiceVOAppVOStandard Registry Interfaces (RI) (incl. VORegistry, RegistryInterface) SCSSIA VOEventStream TAP Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only)‏ Note In Development This that depends on RFC to follow TAP discussions this week SSA

7 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg SkyNode Standards Dependencies RMIdentifiers VOResource Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM)‏ VODataServiceVOAppVOStandard Registry Interfaces (RI) (incl. VORegistry, RegistryInterface) SCSSIA VOEventStream TAP Recommendation Proposed Rec Working Draft Working Draft (xml only)‏ Note In Development This that depends on Working Drafts underway SSA

8 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Interrelationships VODataService: –Defines CatalogService; used by SCS, SIA, SSA* –Describes Tables important for TAP services VOSI: getTableMetadata()* VOStandard: –VOSpace uses IVOA IDs with fragments ivo:// –Provides a way to register and document these identifiers *an actual dependency

9 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Session 1: Interoperability & Roadmap Current Focus: Interoperability and Curation –What are the current operational problems? –Things to improve? Finishing remaining standards –Update on active proposals: Registry Interfaces, VODataService –Extensions for Simple Services –VOApplication –Astronomical Visualization Metadata (AVM) –Assistance/Contributions needed! Future Directions –Advanced searching: move away from ADQL v1.0 –Publishing tools –Innovation needed!

10 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Session 2: VODataService & VOStandard In Lieu of a Joint Session VODataService & VOSI & TAP –VOSI: Making services more self-describing Critical for monitoring usage –Any barriers from letting VOSI go on VOStandard & VOSpace

11 25 May 2009IVOA Interoperability Meeting -- Strasbourg Session 3: Curation Practices & Tools Follow-up to FM-19A –C. Arviset: Review of study and recommendations What’s happened since then –D. Schade: SIA Curation Tools –A. Stebe: ESAVO Curation Tools –R. Plante: NVO Registry Curation and Service Validaters –T. McGlynn: NVO Service Monitoring Discussion: what more can we do

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